All Quotes By Tag: God
“Most people believe in God because they think he’s comforting, not because they think he’s real.”
“The fear of a man is a snare. But the fear of God is a safe haven.”
“Regardless of how you came to doubt, doubt itself is not the problem, but what can be problematic and even tragic is what you do with your doubt.”
“You have a God-given right to exist. Your life is an aspect of creation experiencing living. Never a waste. NEVER!”
“Faith is a simple believing in and confidence in Love and His goodness toward us.”
“Faith is born out of love, and love never fails. Therefore, don’t ask for more faith—just love more.”
“Faith is the bridge over the gap you have chosen.”
“If we fit in with the rest of the world and don’t feel out of place, we’re missing many of the gifts that God has for us. We’re not supposed to conform to the ways of the world but daily walk closer to God.”
“I have heard all I ever want to hear about the past,” he said; “and I know what I most wanted to know about the future. Everybody says, Midwinter, you have a career before you, and I believe that everybody is right. Who knows what great things may happen before you and I are many years older?”.”Who _need_ know?” said Midwinter, calmly. “Happen what may, God is all-merciful, God is all-wise. In those words your dear old friend once wrote to me. In that faith I can look back without murmuring at the years that are past, and can look on without doubting to the years that are to come.”
“Faye gulped. “I think a real reading of the Bible would lead you to remember that long ago God was the one who shook the waters in the great flood. So I don’t think a little cold water thrown on Him by science is going to scare Him any.”
“He is so delighted when we approach His throne with prayer. He loves to be remembered as the One who can heal all, cure all and fix all.”
“The grace of redemption is the gift of a RIghteous God.”
“Praise be to God for His great pardon of sins.”
“Whoever reject the gospel of salvation, reject God’s grace.”
“The gospel is about the Good News of God’s Kingdom.”