All Quotes By Tag: Hope
“Alle disse skæbner. Vi er så forgængelige, vi mennesker. Når vi er børn, skuer vi ind i evigheden; når vi ældes, ser vi tilbage og ved at det kun var et fingerknips, et glimt i tiden, at vore dage var som regndråber der falder i havet.”
“كيف ليَ أن أكتب قصيدة تخدش وجه العالموتدير دفّة القمر؟”
“One of the most dangerous things in life is a sickened person that has lost all hope for the future.”
“When talk about HOPE…I want to be a beacon of hope to my family, but i really need to save just a little for myself, to do so, i need to triple up my effort.. (Ejump, 2017)”
“We look at the coming of a new beginning like we look at the coming of babies we never considered aborting. Hopeful.”
“Every baby is born with a new world in her heart, full of love, hope, dreams and endless possibilities.”
“Love came to me as the touching waves, kissing my feet but never to stay, I wondered it’s existence until I got absorbed into it.”
“Hope follows on the heels of Faith. And the white-winged goddess—which is Hope—did not leave her, but prompted her to many little surreptitious acts of preparation in the event of the miracle coming to pass.”
“Faith is hope with assurance.”
“Every morning I wake up with the hope and dream that I will learn something from someone by observing and listening.”
“The sky was dark and cold as she longed for the one man who could chase away the demons of the night.”
“We are so much more than just our physical selves.”
“For those who would die, there is life. For those who would dream, there is reality. For those who would hope, there is knowledge. For those who would grow, there is eternity.”
“I laid my palm on the second square – the woman in the field and the slaves flying in the air over her head. All that hope in the wind.”
“Only hope can keep a man alive in times of hardship.”