“What if I were not to die! What if life were given back to me-what infinity! And it would all be mine! Then I’d turn each minute into a whole age, I’d lose nothing, I’d reckon up every minute separately, I’d let nothing be wasted! He said that in the end this thought turned into such anger in him that he wished they would hurry up and shoot him”

“Dad would call it my Sisyphus toll. Push a boulder up a hill, pretending it’s okay, and come nightfall it – and I – come crashing down. But he forgets the view each time I make it to the top.”

“Though darkness now surrounds me, And I cannot see the light, I will trust the purpose I cannot see, I’ll not surrender to the night.”

“Don’t lose faith in humanity. There are good people out there. You have the power to make a difference.”

“When it comes to what God’s doing in our lives, sometimes knowing everything kills everything. And if I kill everything, then knowing everything doesn’t matter.”

“Cine a ucis stelele? Cine a surpat drumul spre viitor al celor din morminte?”

“…любопытство – один из признаков надежды…”

“They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

“All we know, Midnight. The best of all we know. For Chestry Valley and its master we loved. For Nana. For Sugarloaf and Brimstone Farm. For Pop and Mom and Tom. For the foals to come. For yesterday and for all tomorrows, we dance the best we know. For good-by.”

“…утро приносит мыслям ясность и прогоняет сказки.”

“В тяжкие времена безотчётного страха и неясности судьбы я нашёл простое и доступное всякому лекарство от душевной смуты: в Доме Капитанов я неспешно разглядывал судовые модели. Созерцание крошечных каравелл и фрегатов, где сочеталась неторопливая мудрость, кропотливость мастеров с воспоминаниями о плаваниях вокруг неоткрытого мира, успокаивает человека, возвращая ему равновесие духа, ясное сознание и надежду…(Капитан-командор Космофлота Элиот Красс д’Эспиноза)”

“Prayer paves the path for progress.”

“The breath of life is the brevity to live.”

“I’ll be singing hymns to the rafters, be praising His goodness so loud they’re going to have to turn down the volume in Heaven.”

“وعندما أنامُ ليلًا أعرفُ أنني سأنهضُ مجددًا ، ولكن لن يكون هناك فجر بل ظلام فقط”