“Negative people don’t need to be defeated. They defeat themselves with their Negative Attitude. Be POSITIVE always.”

“Education is what you learn after you leave school.”

“I might be fragile like a mirror. You might be the rock.Hit me all you want.But still in the end I’ll be the one shining.”

“Life is short so live to the fullest. Laugh as much as you can and always forgive someone that hurts you because the only one that you are hurting by not forgiving is yourself. Love those that persecute you and never pay back evil for evil because an eye for eye will leave the whole world blind. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

“Let your light shine so bright that your brilliance can only be ignored by fools.”

“I visualized what I wanted and I was deter- mined to have it.”

“I changed my strategy, set new goals, and faced my challenges with a positive mindset of courage and optimism.”

“Those who Crave are sure to take disappointments to their Grave.”

“They were all together now, and a voice inside assured him that things were going to work out. He just had to be brave and see it through, even when he was scared of the uncertainty, or overwhelmed by his inability to know what the next day would bring. There was only one thing Roger had ever wanted in his life, and he could feel it radiating all around him:Love. Forever.”

“When writing, there are some scenes that are emotionally overwhelming. They completely overcome the author, and only when they do this can they cause a similar reaction in the reader.Through this, the author gets to experience multiple lives. If a character’s life flashes before their eyes, it flashes before the author’s eyes too, and he or she remembers it as his or her own.With reading, we get to live other lives vicariously, and this is doubly so with writing. It is like a lucid dream, where we guide the outcome. In this, we don’t merely write *about* a character — we momentarily *become* them, and walk as they walk, think as they think, and do as they do. When we return to our own life, we might return a little shaken, likely a little stronger, hopefully a little wiser.What is certain is that we return better, because experiencing the lives of others makes us understand their aims and dreams, their fears and foils, the challenges and difficulties, and joys and triumphs, that they face. It helps us grow and empathise, and see all the little pictures that make up the bigger one we see from the omniscience of the narrator.”

“I’m not only lazy myself, but I inspire laziness in others.”

“The AwakeningYou live this sheltered lifeglass walls around youin a fragile worldof other people’s imaginationand one daysomething comes and shake you—a book, an ideaa person, a song,or an incident—and it awakens you to lifeand what it means to live reallyand so you know howto savethe only life you are capable of saving—your own”

“Who knows the meaning of life, death, or anything else quasi-important. Maybe the starving poets on street corners and oceanside piers. I’d give ’em my last dollar to inspire me. That’s all I really want.”

“Mistake is another word for transformation.”

“Joy comes from the ability to be with life as it is.”