“Don’t worry about anything. If something is meant for you it will come to you somehow. There is nothing to worry about, just give some time. If it’s not meant for you, it will never come to you. Your worry never makes a sense there. But your willpower is something that let the things fall for you.”

“How could I explain in words my craving for freedom, that longing for anonymity, the need to distance myself from everything I knew in my universe?”

“The friends you make as children have a deeper impact on one’s life, than those made later . It’s a family member that you choose!”

“The challenge with running from God is that you will always run into HIM.”

“There will be many people whose lives you have enriched who may never tell you it – or that you’ve never even met – but you will have enriched them none the less.”

“The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.”

“Make no excuses for your authority nor for your fierce grace. Make no apologies for your boundaries nor for your decision to be vulnerable.”

“Peace will only ever be obtained when we realize that our neighbor is really us in a different guise.”

“But where we see trash, God sees potential. The Mater Artist, with His tender touch, can rework our suffering into a pattern of good.”

“When we reach the end of our short lives on earth, Jesus isn’t going to ask us how many followers we had on social media; He’s going to ask us how many of those lives we touched.”

“Let them write you off, let other’s say you are finished but if you believe in your self, if you are willing to put in the work you can and you will overcome.”

“On your life journey, the worst thing you can do, is to do nothing.”

“Let us never get so jaded by the complexities of life that we forget the sweetness, pureness, innocence of love at first bloom.”

“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.”