All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Light is the sun’s footprints.”
“When God adds favour to your labour, your labour will becomes flavour.”
“Never worry yourself in calculating God’s miracles because you will never get the answer, only believe them and they work for you.”
“Kalau kamu memiliki cita – cita, hidupmu akan memiliki arah. Berusahalah sekuat tenaga untuk mencapai cita – citamu – Halaman 144.”
“Countless miracles are happening all around you; you are the greatest one.”
“Biker George says God’s voice is not an opinion… It’s a decision. He is not politician trying to win an opinion poll.”
“Ketika kita berada di kaki gunung dan hendak mendaki, yang paling kita butuhkan hanyalah untuk sampai di puncaknya, lalu setalah sampai di sana yang paling kita butuhkan adalah oksigen yang jauh lebih banyak tersedia di kaki gunung” – Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Mama Rice”
“Jangan pernah sepelekan dong pu impian di sini, bahkan ketika ko berpikir mereka tidak mungkin mewujudkannya !” – Kumpulan Cerita Pendek : Mama Rice”
“You must strive to attain self-mastery and educate yourself so you can be of service to your desires and the world in a not so distant future.”
“School is not designed for you and your aspirations. Therefore, you must always be on the lookout for new and exciting ways to learn skills that will aid you on your path toward achieving mastery.”
“One book will often not change your life so dramatically that nothing will ever be the same again. But if you play the margin game to perfection, where you push the envelope ever so slightly, the right books over a lifetime will determine if you will lead an average life in oblivion; or if you will live a truly wonderful life worth reading about.”
“Read with a vengeance, as if the author’s life is on trial, because nothing will have such an impact and be a better investment than owning, reading, and re-reading books that will change the way you think, write, and speak.”
“Time is a scarce resource, to effectively maximize on it is by aknowledging that not everything important, is an immediate priority.”
“You will not experience the freedom you desire in this lifetime while carrying guilt. For one is mutually exclusive of the other.”
“It’s impossible to conquer knowledge.”