“Manthra can be defined as an ornamental worship of the diety.”

“I came to give you love. I came to give you light. I came to liberate you. Your smiles are my legacy.”

“Don’t let go of fields you’ve fought for, keep fighting”

“If you doubt the existence of God, look in the mirror, and if you are still in doubt after that, look within.”

“My mind is for the youth. My heart is for the children. My soul is for the broken. My life is for the world.”

“Trust your inner judgment. Be prepared to work for what you know is right, but avoid the insufferable tragedies of running with the infectious, and you will have invaluable tools at your disposal for the rest of your life.”

“You must be hard on yourself and know when it’s time to quit, but you must be even more relentless when it comes to staying on the job and push through if that is what the situation is demanding.”

“You must learn how to separate a detrimental situation from which you must burn all the bridges from when you must partake in hard work that will provide you with desirable results, where you must persevere in pushing through to the end.”

“Truth like beauty seems to be in the eye and mind of the beholder.”

“I ignite the wick, and the firework takes flight. In that moment, I wish my existence were as simple as being set on fire and exploding in the sky.”

“Whatever fear touches becomes frightful, whatever hate touches becomes pitiful, whatever love touches becomes wonderful, and whatever God touches becomes beautiful.”

“You must learn to distinguish what is there to entertain the minds of the oblivious, and what can be material for you to build an impressive library. Material that will change the way you think and have a tremendous impact on your life.”

“Biker George says you’re not alone anywhere when you know The One who’s with you everywhere.”