“You can sleep peacefully if you realize that you will never be able to wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.”

“Irreconcilable thoughts are like ceiling fans, they keep moving but take you nowhere.”

“Um hoje vale dois amanhãs”

“You are your first resource, so make the most out of learning and networking.”

“When people reject you, do not be discouraged because you can still fulfill your God given purpose without them. Remember that your destiny is not tied to any human being, but designed especially for you by your Creator.”

“I crossed Homewood and ran up the block. The joy multiplied as I ran–I ran never actually quite leaving the ground–and multiplied still as I felt my stride begin to fumble and my knees begin to quiver and stall. The joy multiplied even as I slowed bumping to a walk. I was all but splitting, all but shooting sparks. Blood coursed freely inside my lungs and bones, a light-shot stream like air. I couldn’t feel the pavement at all.”

“Artists are the architects of our future. The messages they deliver through music, film and television are what guides popular culture. If we want to see more love, peace and prosperity in the world, artists must take responsibility and lead.”

“You see God with your heart, not your eyes. You hear God with your soul, not your ears. You understand God with your mind, not your intellect. You touch God with your spirit, not your hands. You move God with your love, not your feet.”

“The present is a present that is pre-sent.”

“God is concerned with the redemption of our thinking through grace because He loves us and cares about our spiritual well-being–not because He wants trophies.”

“Life will never get better. It will only get tougher and tougher.But what will really change is, you know? My attitude, will power & perception!”