All Quotes By Tag: Jesus
“Living all out for God certainly doesn’t mean we’ll have a safe life. It’s not supposed to be safe-or particularly easy. That doesn’t mean it always has to be full of turmoil and trials; it just means we want so much of God that we’re willing to do whatever He asks us to do. It also means we have a rock-solid faith and a deep, abiding joy that doesn’t depend on our circumstances.”
“I might wish to consider that upon which I stand, for in fact I may be standing on nothing which means that in reality I am not standing at all.”
“The turbulent nature of the storm is always second to the loving nature of God. Therefore, while an umbrella might keep me dry, it is God who dries the umbrella.”
“When we place the Bible on equal footing with God, we become paralyzed by how to deal with it–because any criticism of the Bible becomes criticism of God himself.The cure for the religion of Biblicism is the realization that Jesus is the inerrant Word of God, and the Bible is just a collection of inspired and useful writings that introduce us to him.Let me be clear: whenever we find tension between something Jesus taught and something taught elsewhere in the Bible, the tiebreaker always goes to Jesus. Always.”
“I don’t want to listen to the myriad chorus of voices that call me to various horizons, regardless of how pristine those horizons might be. Rather, I would much prefer to listen for the voice that created the horizons.”
“I will eventually come to resemble that which I seek. Therefore, the outcome of seeking the praises of men verses the praises of God begs some serious consideration.”
“I desperately want someone to see the anguish of my soul, for to walk alone in that kind of anguish creates an anguish all its own.”
“I’m not so arrogant as to somehow think that I’m God, but sometimes I find myself acting like I’m a little ‘god’. The fact is, if I try to be either of these I will be neither of these nor anything else of much value.”
“I can imagine all sorts of things. But can I imagine a God who insists that we imagine the impossible so that the impossible need not remain imagination?”
“Received much knowledge throughout the yearSermons are absorbed pulpit to earSituations test your walkTribulations make you talkApply wisdom to all you hold dear- A portion of ‘Applications”
“After enough failed attempts to rescue myself, I finally realized that I am my own worst first responder.”
“At the heart of the incarnation is the stunning claim that Jesus is what God is like. “No one has ever seen God,” declared John in his gospel, “but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known”. The New American Standard Bible says, “The only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him”. So to whatever extent God owes us an explanation for the Bible’s war stories, Jesus is that explanation. And Christ the King won his kingdom without war.”
“And yet, why do you think Jesus Christ came into this world through a pregnant, unwed teenage girl in a patriarchal shame-and-honor culture? God didn’t have to do it that way. But I think it was his way of saying, “I don’t do things the way the world expects, but in the opposite way altogether. My power is made perfect in weakness. My Savior-Prince will be born not into a cradle in a royal palace but into a feed trough in a stable –not to powerful and famous people but to disgraced peasants. And that is all part of the pattern.”
“There’s nothing that keeps its youth, so far as I know, but a tree and truth.”
“It’s important to remember that Israel’s story is a story of being in the process of getting to know God, all before Jesus presents himself as the ultimate revelation of God. It is not unlike other relationships where we need time to fully understand and appreciate the true self and identity of the other person in the relationship. The story involves moments when Israel truly sees God, and moments when they profoundly misunderstand God–both of which are normal parts of any relationship.”