All Quotes By Tag: Jesus
“I’ve never much liked the whole setup of Christianity, with its emphasis on being saved, thereby acknowledging a debt that can only be paid by a lifetime of sacrifice and devotion. Must God’s love have strings attached? People who crave salvation should think about how they’re going to feel if it turns out that this God who saved them is, upon closer acquaintance, completely alien. He, possibly she (or, more likely, it), is not now and never has been one of us. Jesus clearly was not one of us, with his crypto-stories about the prodigal who is more beloved by the father than the dutiful son and the sliding pay scale for field hands, with his magic powers that run the gamut from improving the wedding beverage to blasting trees to raising the dead. These days we have born-agains everywhere, even in the White House, carping about how clear and meaningful everything is now that they’ve seen the light and accepted Christ as their Savior. There they were, just sinning along aimlessly, drinking and fornicating down that slippery slope lined with good intentions and ending you know where, when suddenly Jesus reached out and down or across and saved them. And now they feel grateful all the time, every day. It things go wrong, that’s God’s way of testing their faith, and if they are successful and make lots of money, that proves they have been chosen by God.It’s supposed to be all about free will, but there’s not much freedom in it. And if God is really so eager to save the desperate from themselves, where was he when my mother was knocking back the Seconal with her lunatic girlfriend from hell.”
“Quite often ‘wishing upon a star’ is a response to a dream that I’ve surrendered to a wish because it was bigger than me, instead of being a dream that has surrender to my wishes because God was bigger than it.”
“God is into the business of building Character into the hearts of men”
“I get so caught up in praying for a way ‘around’ things that I completely miss the fact that God has already ‘removed’ those things. And it is then that I realize that I had imposed my weakness on God’s strength.”
“My focus is not on the flood that surrounds me. Rather, my focus is on the God Who surrounds the flood.”
“To thine beautiful unawares beloved deity, in one’s benevolent craft, each of us must reveal our own truth.”
“When it comes to my life, I may chase the pay-off of the moment or I may pay-it-forward into my future. Yet, being ‘righteous’ in these choices may grant me neither so that God might grant me everything.”
“Why do “THEY” keep saying that JESUS was GOD?, do YOU know THAT you can BE Wrong if you EXAM yourself? Check OUT these VERSES — ((( 1. Matthew 24:36, 2. Matthew 26:39, 3. John 5:26, 4. John 5:30 , 5. John 5:19 , 6. Mark 10:18, 7. John 14:28 , 8. Matthew 6:9 , 9. Matthew 27:46 , 10. John 17:21-23, 11. 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 , 12. Hebrews 1:3 , 13. Hebrews 4:15 (compared with James 1:13) , 14. Hebrews 5:7-9 ))) — and remember THERE are 100 + Verses in OLD/NEW testaments that JESUS said He is NOT GOD! but remember with all our differences, i still prefer to respect you for who YOU are! No MATTER if you believe him as GOD! Hope you all respect us TOO, sadly you DON’T.”
“If I only use prayer as my back-up when life goes dark, I’m going to find my back up against a whole lot of dark.”
“When it’s dark, I can’t see my hand in front of my face. Yet, no matter how deep the darkness might be, God sees both. And when I realize that, the dark never really gets that dark.”
“Hope is not some flimsy belief that things might somehow work out. Rather, hope is a belief in a God who’s already worked it out.”
“If by ‘late’ we mean showing up on our time-table, then God is likely to be late most every time.”
“Might it be that I’ve lost everything so that I can recognize the fact that everything had become my everything?”
“Sometimes we don’t have the answer because it’s less about getting the answer and more about our unwillingness to acknowledge that we don’t have it and God does.”
“We wonder why peace is elusive. Simply put, anything is elusive if we’re looking for it in the wrong places. And if God doesn’t have something to do with our search, we’re definitely in the wrong place.”