“Knowledge is just a foundation. The whole point of a foundation is to build on it.”

“You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then – to learn.”

“It is more important that we listen to others than to always be speaking, for in that way we learn what there is to know. We should be easy to talk to, and grateful for new information.”

“If you have ever come up against Nothing you have no idea how it can scare you out of your wits. When I was a child I used to be afraid of Something in the dark. I know now that the most fearful thing about the dark is that we may find Nothing in it.”

“Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that.”

“Life lessons cannot be applied topically.”

“اعتبر كافة المواقف التي تحدث أمامك السلبية منها و الإيجابية بمثابة فرص تعلمك أفضل الطرق للتعامل مع ما يضايقنا”

“They hate you because you act like you’re better than they are….” “[they are] Four that you humiliated in the yard. Four who are probably afraid of you. I’ve watched you fight. It’s not training with you. Put a good edge on your sword, and they’d be dead meat; you know it, I know it, they know it. You leave them nothing. You shame them. Does that make you proud?”

“So it is that there is nothing to be taught, but yet there is something to be learned.”

“You can’t learn everything you need to know legally.”

“لقد علمتني أنه من الممكن الاستمرار في الحياة ، ولا يهم مقدار الحزن الذي نعانيه”

“They say faith is taking the first step when you can’t see the whole staircase. Actually, wisdom is seeing the elevator behind it that would have taken you to the top floor.”

“it’s good to have things done withwhen they don’t workit’s also good not to hateor even forgetthe person you’ve failed with.”

“أحقًا نحن نتعلم من أخطائنا ؟ كيف ذلك وكلما ندمنا على حماقة ما .. انتقلنا إلى أخرى أكثر إتقانًا وفداحة !”

“There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don’t lose yourself at happy hour, but don’t lose yourself on the corporate ladder, either.”