“The highest purpose of education is to unlearn what we once took for granted, to replace certainty with subtlety, prejudice with compassion, and destiny with possibility.”

“Learn the rules before you break them.”

“Love is my drug of choice, even if it comes laced with pain and disaster.”

“Any fool can write, we start learning it at school at the age of three….”

“A good understanding is to keep the great law.”

“Nothing gets easy. It is just that you understand how it is and how it works. Nothing its difficult its just that you dont understand it and dont know how it works. Understanding something it means taking time to learn it and practising it.”

“The more open we are, the more we can learn. The more we learn, the more we recognize that every one of us is a hero”

“We learn not by talking but by listening.”

“Each timewe bow to thefeet of anythingwe find riveting,the mind rises tobe surprised withnew crowningdiamonds ofcreativity.”

“Just please understand that everyone is going through a rough time as well. Even if they are hiding behind money or a simple smile. We are all continuously stumbling as we go about our lives. If we had perfect lives we’d all be perfect people. Only thing we can learn to do is endure or we will not be happy and happiness is the closest thing to perfect.”

“Every corner and room of a house will carry memories, make these the most pleasurable times you shared with your family.”

“We still need the old to tell the young that in time they will learn.”

“Now there are four chief obstacles in grasping truth, which hinder every man, however learned, and scarcely allow anyone to win a clear title to learning, namely, submission to faulty and unworthy authority, influence of custom, popular prejudice, and concealment of our own ignorance accompanied by an ostentatious display of our knowledge.”

“Sometimes I think, Why invent projects? What is the point? How will I ever accomplish what I set out to do, what I imagine? Then I think of the past, even before I was born, the great small feats people accomplished.[…]Those people had to work to accomplish those things, they thought of details, they followed through. Even if I come off as naive and zealous, even if I get on everyone’s nerves, I have to follow these examples. Even if I fail, I have to try and try and try. It may be exhausting, but that is beside the point. The goal is not necessarily to succeed but to keep trying, to be the kind of person who has ideas and sees them through.”

“That’s the only hitch in learning: it’s humbling. The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. Anyway, all that’s a long way around saying that it’s crazy to do things just to prove you can do ’em. The more you learn, the more you’ll find yourself doing things you never thought you could do in a million years.”