“So the life of the philosopher extends widely: he is not confined by the same boundaries as are others. He alone is free from the laws that limit the human race, and all ages serve him as though he were a god. Some time has passed: he grasps it in his recollection. Time is present: he uses it. Time is to come: he anticipates it. This combination of all times into one gives him a long life”

“Follow your passion, study it assiduously, and as you pursue it, strive in addition to become more intensely human. Doing so will improve your material well-being as the economy evolves, and it will bring you a richer, fuller life.”

“Don’t take life seriously. Flirt, so that you don’t get hurt.”

“Don’t give in to the situation, Do what’s right!”

“Find the beautiful;The perfect;The wonderful in life,And then remind yourself that you are part of it;Therein, you are ALL of these things and more.”

“Je leven is niet iets wat je achter je kunt laten of waar je voor weg kunt lopen.Want je leven, dat ben je zelf. Mensen… dat is een heel ander verhaal. Voor mensen kun je weglopen.”

“Out beyond the ideas of Life and Death, there lives a poet trying to find the world between the breaths. With each Inhale he writes the songs of life and with each exhale he lets it out like a death.”

“Don’t just make a living, make a life – don’t just inhale, but breathe – don’t just avoid death, but be alive.”

“Even playing game you have to be serious.”

“Don’t be a slave to the desire of your virtual world.”

“Faith is the finest life.”

“It isn’t fair, but maybe that’s the whole point. Fairness has no part in real life, and she took that lesson away from the Hotel Angeline with her.”

“A gente nunca sabe se o que lhe sucede é, em definitivo, bom ou mau”

“Danny: I’m a bit jealous, Sheila.Sheila: Are you, my dear? What on earth for?Danny: Well, because you’ve really lived, Sheila.Sheila: Of course I have, Daniel. What else is life for?”

“Life does not accommodate you; it shatters you. Every seed destroys its container, or else there would be no fruition.”