“Make time while you can take time cause time will soon take all you make.”

“Ignorance kills first.Then arrogance.”

“I want to be an adherent and a proponent of Stoicism. an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge; the wise live in harmony with the divine Reason (also identified with Fate and Providence) that governs nature, and are indifferent to the vicissitudes of fortune and to pleasure and pain.One thing bothers me though. If i stop enjoying the various pleasures of the carnal body, am i being ungrateful? Is not enjoying anything worth living for? One would argue that stoicism helps a person in enduring the hardships that life hurls upon a soul – it lead man towards anima; strengthens the pneuma. Being indifferent or not be able to experience the pleasures of the electric sensory impulses? I say it’s totes worth it because you can then be able to endure the pain of death itself.”

“The key to a good life is FOCCEPT – FOcus on what you want, aCCEPT what you have…”

“In the end, everything will be OK. If you’re at a point in your life where everything is not OK, don’t worry. That just means it’s not the end.”

“Que todo el mundo en este pueblo sea analfabeto no quiere decir que tú lo seas”

“Things, once gone, can’t be put back; he knew that now. A punch, once delivered, can’t be withdrawn. Words, once spoken, can’t be unsaid. We may go on as if nothing has been lost, nothing done, nothing said; we may claim to forget it all; but our innermost core doesn’t forget, because we have been changed for ever.”

“I think Dostoevsky was right, that every human being must have a point at which he stands against the culture, where he says, this is me and the damned world can go to hell.”

“People aren’t like that. They aren’t content to just live simple lives that don’t hurt anyone. There’s always this kind of undercurrent in people driving them forward to either good things or really bent, gnarled things. It’s not that they just wake up one day and decide to start a fight. This kind of thinking is just building up in them all the time, like the tick of a clock, like the beat of a heart, it’s the rhythm they think their thoughts to. Selflessness, courage, honor – these things are strange and unintelligible to them as evil and cruelty are to you.”

“Life has a cruel way of reminding one and all it stops for no one and simply marches on, dragging everyone with it.”

“Was die Menschen anlangt, mit denen man es zu tun hat, so ist eine Auswahl ganz unerlässlich. Man frage sich: Sind sie es wert, dass wir einen Teil unserer Zeit an sie wenden?”

“Maybe building walls around our hearts will lock the monsters out, but won’t it also keep the kings away? Self sabotage is a dangerous path, our wounds don’t heal by catering to them and labelling them as our past.”

“We become so focused on the individual events and circumstances of our lives, so eager to label them as “good” or “bad”, when in fact, everything is just LIFE! Everything, all of it, it’s all just LIFE.”

“How much easier it is to be wise for another than for ourselves.”

“هناك أُمور لا تستطيع تغييرها في حياتِك ، و هُناك أمور ستغيّرك رغمًا عَنك ، و ما بين بين، ستظَل تُقاوِم و تدّعي المَعرِفة.”