“Does it really take a full 9–5 to get our tasks done? Or … do we just “push paper,” masquerading as being productive while we are merely just running down the clock?”

“Everton” (Francis)Alex turned his head to view a rainbow peacock mask bobbing toward him. “Good Lord, Francis, you are replendent,” he said admiringly.The peacock stopped beside him. “Dash it, Everton, how’d you know it was me?”You’re still wearing your faux ruby ring.”

“All is as if the world did cease to exist. The city’s monuments go unseen, its past unheard, and its culture slowly fading in the dismal sea.”

“Humans were not to be toyed with, they were to be respected.”

“In a world where happiness has become a social duty and sadness a public offense, life opens unrepentantly into a kaleidoscopic masquerade and a muddling carousel of faking. (“Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me” )”