All Quotes By Tag: Meaning
“Words can be sculptured to mean almost anything.”
“I can quote a million people but in the end it only comes down to one thing”Faith”
“Modern man is drinking and drugging himself out of awarness, or he spends his time shopping, which is the same thing. As awarness calls for types of heroic dedication that his culture no longer provides for him, society contrives to help him forget. In the mysterious way in which life is given to us in evolution on this planet, it pushes in the direction of its own expansion. We don’t understand it simply because we don’t know the purpose of creation; we only feel life straining in ourselves and see it thrashing others about as they devour each other. Life seeks to expand in an unknown direction for unknown reasons.What are we to make of creation in which routine activity is for organisms to be tearing others apart with teeth of all types – biting, grinding flesh, plant stalks, bones between molars, pushing the pulp greedily down the gullet with delight, incorporating its essence into one’s own organization, and then excreting with foul stench and gasses residue. Everyone reaching out to incorporate others who are edible to him. The mosquitoes bloating themselves on blood, the maggots, the killer-bees attacking with a fury and a demonism, sharks continuing to tear and swallow while their own innards are being torn out – not to mention the daily dismemberment and slaughter in “natural” accidents of all types: an earthquake buries alive 70 thousand bodies in Peru, a tidal wave washes over a quarter of a million in the Indian Ocean. Creation is a nightmare spectacular taking place on a planet that has been soaked for hundreds of millions of years in the blood of all creatures. The soberest conclusion that we could make about what has actually been taking place on the planet about three billion years is that it is being turned into a vast pit of fertilizer. But the sun distracts our attention, always baking the blood dry, making things grow over it, and with its warmth giving the hope that comes with the organism’s comfort and expansiveness.”
“We have to stop quantifying ourselves. Why as people do we identify our lives and a part of our identities as 20 something’s or 30 something’s. I am very much alive. I notice the heavy warm breeze, the blue of the sky, my chocolate kind of freckles that form from the warm sun…my god that sun. The warmth. I hear the sound of night. I recognize the vastness of the sky. The stars all those stars. Our lives are some kind of special. I’m done being so quick about it or so mundane about it. We are not chipmunks or squirrels in that way we can actually chew our food slowly. Taste the temperature of our drinks. Our lives are so short already. We are so small in this gigantic space sweating over small things as opposed to taking in the little things. There will always be something to do or something happening how we handle it is all the difference. We are small in such a huge colossal universe that somewhere someone bigger than us is probably laughing. Love. Eat well. Wonder. Just be…in the moment. Laugh. Spread joy. We are all works in progress. That is all xo”
“Each day is an adventure in discovering the meaning of life. It is each little thing that you do that day – whether it be spending time with your friends, running in a cross-country meet or just simply staring at the crashing ocean- that holds the key to discovering the meaning of life. I would rather be out enjoying these things than pondering them. We may never really discover the meaning of life, but the knowledge we gain in our quest to discover it is truly more valuable. ”
“For the human experience, life in the natural world seems to require the application of meaning, in order to evoke purpose.”
“Faith is not about finding meaning in the world, there may be no such thing — faith is the belief in our capacity to create meaningful lives.”
“A Man Said to the UniverseA man said to the universe: “Sir, I exist!”“However,” replied the universe, “The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.”
“That life – whatever else it is – is short. That fate is cruel but maybe not random. That Nature (meaning Death) always wins but that doesn’t mean we have to bow and grovel to it. That maybe even if we’re not always so glad to be here, it’s our task to immerse ourselves anyway: wade straight through it, right through the cesspool, while keeping eyes and hearts open. And in the midst of our dying, as we rise from the organic and sink back ignominiously into the organic, it is a glory and a privilege to love what Death doesn’t touch.”
“Maybe the meaning of life is simply to find meaning, to find the beauty, to find the joy, to find your happiness.”
“I accept the idea of helping men, and of being cherished by them. I’ve always had that feeling. If I could have my life over I suppose I would have been happiest being someone’s second-in-command. Lieutenant to a really great man – that’s my idea of happiness.”
“Happy people don’t make history. Happy people make children, then die.”
“The key to a happy life isn’t to manipulate the conditions around me so I can feel better, the key is to change the meaning I give it and find happiness, no matter what’s going on!”
“Actions are the true words of the heart.”
“Receiver:Speech discriminates between listening ears even if sound does not.”