“The world begins anew with every birth, my father used to say. He forgot to say, with every death it ends. Or did not think he needed to. Because for a goodly part of his life he worked in a graveyard.”

“That mortal is a fool who, prospering, thinks his life has any strong foundation; since our fortune’s course of action is the reeling way a madman takes, and no one person is ever happy all the time.”

“Years ago, when I was working on my master’s thesis, I went to New York for a semester as an exchange student. What struck me most was the sky. On that side of the world, so far away from the North Pole, the sky is flat and gray, a one-dimensional universe. Here, the sky is arched, and there’s almost no pollution. In spring and fall the sky is dark blue or violet, and sunsets last for hours. The sun turns into a dim orange ball that transforms clouds into silver-rimmed red and violet towers. In winter, twenty-four hours a day, uncountable stars outline the vaulted ceiling of the great cathedral we live in. Finnish skies are the reason I believe in God.”

“Do not simply pay attention to the life, because the nature consists on different colors, if you entered into the colors they will soak you in a color which it is not your color.”

“Do not be cheated by the beauty of every flowers from far, because there is a flower which it is a thorn hurts you.”

“Do not be the cause of cutting the sustenance of other people, a day comes people will be the reason to cut off your livelihood.”

“It is common to represent a title, but inspiring to represent a purpose.”

“Infinity is experienced in ideas. Make the ideas of your life worth travelling the infinity.”

“Sometimes the best solution to make a revolution is your personal evolution. And sometimes your personal evolution is not possible without a revolution.”

“Welcome to Planet Earth, the destination of fragmented wisdom.”

“I have no doubt that in reality the future will be vastly more surprising than anything I can imagine. Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.”

“A lizard brain fired the gun that wounded you, but it was the combination of three brains that orchestrated the elaborate circumstances in which the trigger was pulled. Way back when, the Landlord believed a second brain would endow some of his lower life forms with the capacity for emotional connections. By adding the third brain, he probably planned on having his… higher forms empowered with the ability to not only think before acting, but to feel regret afterwards when their actions were wrong. But that’s not what happened, is it?”

“… what you think is right isn’t the same as knowing what is right.”

“Our physical world seems ready and able to accommodate the needs of the spiritually awakened new Superhuman. The constraints or demands of our material world are not the real problem; it is our own spiritual awareness and philosophical wisdom that is lagging behind.”