“Money is a by-product of time. Money is the time that is well converted. Therefore, time is the raw material from which money is made.”

“We are all endowed with the wealth of time equally. Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, has this wealth.”

“You too can become wealthy but only thanks to the amount of time you are willing to convert into products.”

“Our streets are littered with university graduates holding paper certificates and looking for a way to enslave themselves again under a boss in the name of looking for a job.”

“Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine with your distractions.”

“Your time is diminishing per every second and minute that passes.”

“The desire of most people on earth is to make money and money seems to be the greatest motivation in life for a lot of people.”

“You have to come to understand that your life is diminishing rapidly if you don’t convert it into valuable products.”

“To invest your time is to convert it into some products that could benefit humanity.”

“Don’t trivialize the fact that your life is diminishing.”

“Only when that time is converted can you produce something from it. You can only make wealth from a time well converted.”

“If you don’t want to just live an ordinary life, then you will have to be intentional about converting all your time into that which you have been called to do.”

“There is so much pressure on us to try to overcome boredom by spending time on frivolities.”

“You must, first of all, evolve the consciousness of being the best in whatever territory you choose to explore and then invest all your time into it and you will be amazed how easy it is to become great.”

“Our offices are filled with people working their lives out to enrich their boss, government or company.”