“When my wife is not running the house, my kids are.” #nobreaksforme”

“Any hand can condem, but it takes a helping hand to build.”

“Someone died today. Someone was born today. It’s not just a day—it’s a moment.”

“The more we rehearse the worse we become.”

“You can get addicted to trouble if you’re not careful.”

“Environment isn’t asking us to conserve her for her but for our future generations.”

“People don’t want anything for FREE unless the price is not reasonable.”

“Let us remind our leaders that there is no place for personal interests in politics.”

“If you are in hard times, ask yourself: “What would this problem and my life mean to people two hundred years from now?”

“You are the only one who knows what is best for yourself. Find it IN you.”

“Laugh every day for five minutes, without any reason, then repeat it for 21 days straight and it will become your habit to do.”