All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“I belong to the church of the turtle and the mourning dove.”
“Janeism is a religion only in these two respects – reverence for the God head and adherence to the text.”
“The medieval European, who shared the fundamental assumptions of his Muslim contemporary, would have agreed with him in ascribing religious movements to religious causes, and would have sought no further for an explanation. But when Europeans ceased to accord first place to religion in their thoughts, sentiments, interests, and loyalties, they also ceased to admit that other men, in other times and places, could have done so. To a rationalistic and materialistic generation, it was inconceivable that such great debates and mighty conflicts could have involved no more than ‘merely’ religious issues. And so historians, once they had passed the stage of amused contempt, devised a series of explanations, setting forth for what they described as the ‘real’ or ‘ultimate’ significance ‘underlying’ religious movements and differences. The clashes and squabbles of the early churches, the great Schism, the Reformation, all were reinterpreted in terms of motives and interests reasonable by the standards of the day—and for religious movements of Islam too explanations were found that tallied with the outlook and interests of the finders.”
“Black and white, good and evil, is just a way to simplify life and make it easier for people to deal with. People love it too; that’s why so many people go to church on a Sunday.”
“I know exactly what is at stake, Captain. You are trying to convince yourself that whatever cause you follow is worth that girl’s death.I know all about gods, Captain. I know that a god that demands a child’s life is not a god worth saving.
“Her voice became vibrant and raw, veined with passion. “You can never go back to the past. You can’t heal their wounds or your own. Even God will not do this for you,” and this was a bit controversial with her audience, but she believed she had proof: “Jesus himself was not healed–he came back from the dead with the wounds still in his hands and his body. He came back changed, but not healed. Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is saying that you will be different from now on. Your identity stretches to accomodate this thing you did to them. And in this way a relationship is formed between the person you have hurt and yourself.”
“To live the life isTo be no cause of grief to anyone.To be kind to all people and to love them with a pure spirit.Should opposition or injury happen to us, to bear it, to be as kind as ever can be, and through all, to love the people. Should calamity exist in the greatest degree, to rejoice, for these things are the gifts and favors of God.To be silent concerning the faults of others, to pray for them, and to help them, through kindness, to correct their faults.To look always at the good and not at the bad. If a man has ten good qualities and one bad one, look at the ten and forget the one. And if a man has ten bad qualities and one good one, to look at the one and forget the ten.Never to allow ourselves to speak one unkind word about another, even though that other be our enemy.To do all of our deeds in kindness.To cut our hearts from ourselves and from the world.To be humble.To be servants of each other, and to know that we are less than anyone else.To be as one soul in many bodies, for the more we love each other, the nearer we shall be to God; but to know that our love, our unity, our obedience must not be by confession, but of reality.To act with cautiousness and wisdom.To be truthful.To be hospitable.To be reverent.To be the cause of healing for every sick one,a comforter for every sorrowful one,a pleasant water for every thirsty one.a heavenly table for every hungry one,a star to every horizon,a light for every lamp,a herald to everyone who yearns for the kingdom of God.”
“Yet we also have much in common with the period of the witch hunts, namely financial and social collapse born from environmental catastrophes of our own making. This provokes a need for an enemy, an invisible international pervasive conspiracy for us to unite against, vilify, torture, and ultimately murder. […] Torture by the state continues, and yes, the executions and kill lists of enemies and innocents alike. It would not be inaccurate to call this a Catholic inquisition, it is part of the same extended franchise. We have simply replaced the Church with the Corporate State and I predict that a new witchcraft will rise to confront it, with many heads.”
“If we could just look into the SOUL of another human being, and not look at the color of their skin, see past their religious beliefs, we would surely see that the same GOD resides within us all”
“I den vedisk-hinduiska traditionen är varje enskild människa ansvarig för hela samhällets väl och ve. Kungar har en särskild skyldighet att ta hand om sitt folk.”
“We became a trinity as holy in our own mindsas the Blessed Trinity the priests always talked about but which we could never see.”
“When we lose our spiritual vocabulary, we lose much more than words. We lose the power of speaking grace, forgiveness, love, and justice over others.”
“Libraries hold more than books – they also contain salvation.”
“How could I love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength while disengaging those very faculties every time I read the Bible?”