“For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”

“Il catafero di Japichinu sarebbe andato a finire nello sbalanco di qualche chiarchiàro… No, il nonno sapeva quanto fosse religioso il nipoteddru. L’avrebbe fatto seppellire anonimamente in terra consacrata. Dintra il tabbuto di un altro.”

“Japichinu era picciotto religioso, come sosteneva il nonno Balduccio, tant’è vero che aveva persino un Patre spirituale. Solo che tanto il picciotto quanto il parrino scangiavano superstizione per religione.”

“God does not need endorsement, yet isn’t that what all religions are about?” – On Religions”

“My life went from “You don’t know My Story” to “Let me tell you my story” to “This is my Story” to “I didn’t chose this story” it’s only right that now that I’ve told my story, that you know that I am grateful for my story.”

“Precisely how are we supposed to win a war if we’re not allowed to, you know, actually shoot anyone? –From SCAPEGOATS: The Goat Protocols”

“Religions served a purpose in establishing social order during the human evolving experience, but in today’s secular connected world, religions had become a liability for further progress….”

“The greatest mistake we make is teaching our children to memorize things without even understanding, Instead of teaching them problem solving and critical thinking.”

“I’m always intrigued by the different ways people decide what to believe. I mean, look at this — they’re taken from all over the place. Celtic knots, Eastern philosophy, the New Age. Past and present collapsed into a buffet of equivalent options all in pursuit of the divine.”

“Después de todo, siempre puedes torcer cualquier hecho para que apoye tus creencias”

“Standing in that half-finished church, surrounded by statues of prophets and saints, I wondered why God created so many varieties of faiths in the world if He intended all of us to worship Him in the same fashion. This thought had never occurred to me when I was a young boy memorizing the Holy Qur’an, but as I spent time with the Indians I came to see how limiting the notion of one true faith really was. Was the diversity in our beliefs, not their unity, the lesson God wanted to impart? Surely it would have been in His power to make us of one faith if that had been His wish. Now the idea that there was only one set of stories for all of mankind seemed strange to me.”

“You can’t protect Dharma if you don’t know what it is.”

“There is, perhaps, no greater hardship at present inflicted on mankind in civilized and free countries than the necessity of listening to sermons.”

“Nunca había dado muestras de ser religiosa ni optimista, esa forma laica de ser supersticioso.”

“In most of the world, people don’t dichotomize the sacred and the secular as we commonly do in the West, so elsewhere religious considerations are much more at the forefront of people’s minds in assessing political issues.”