All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“I’m always intrigued by the different ways people decide what to believe. I mean, look at this — they’re taken from all over the place. Celtic knots, Eastern philosophy, the New Age. Past and present collapsed into a buffet of equivalent options all in pursuit of the divine.”
“Después de todo, siempre puedes torcer cualquier hecho para que apoye tus creencias”
“Especially in the midst of battle, when it would be easy to release the arrow that takes a life. That’s when you have to be absolutely sure!”
“The greatest lie ever sold to mankind is that it needs to be better, stronger, faster and more powerful than it already was intended to be when it was created in the beginning.”
“It strikes me that religion seeks to take natural events and ascribe supernatural causes to them. I, however, seek to take supernatural events and find the natural meanings behind them. Perhaps that is the final dividing line between science and religion. Opposite sides of a card.”
“Mountains and rivers have been my cathedrals.”
“What is sacredness?What is true is sacred. What has been suffered. What is beautiful.So the Telling tries to find the truth in events or the pain, or the beauty?No need to try to find it, said Unroy. The sacredness is there. In the truth, the pain, the beauty. So that the telling of it is sacred.”
“Love is holiness.”
“I don’t need a priest or a philosopher to tell me how to feel alive.”
“In the Deep South, God is a cotton king,Trussed up in plantation whites and powdered over smooth with a little bit of talcum from Momma’s compact.He’s the Georgia dust that gets on everything, in everything,Caking the soles of bare feetsifting through cracks in church pews, and catching in your lover’s eyelashes.In the Deep South, the Devil is a beautiful boywho swears and cheats at billiards on Sunday.He is the one who reaches up your skirt,pulls out the prayers your were saving for somedayand lights them on fire with his tongue.He will sing hymns while feasting on your forfeit heart,call you blessed while peeling away dignity like stockings,then drag you out in front of the church to be stoned.In the Deep South, the Holy Spirit is an old womanwith hands brown and gnarled as the nuts she boilsand a voice soft and dark as the Appalachian sky.She is the swamp kingdom matriarch children are sent towhen sins need to be wished away like warts,the presence of whom straightens the spines of wayward soulsand coaxes a “Yes Ma’am” from the devil’s own.In the Deep South, Jesus is a mixed-race childwith drops of destiny mingled into his bloodand the names of the saints tattooed along his spine.He has his mother’s bearing, one that wears suffering nobly,and baleful eyes that speak of the sins of his forefathers.The word of God flutters from his mouth like butterflieswith bodies baptized in tears and wings dipped in steel.In the Deep South, angels drink too much.They sashay and guffaw and forget to return calls.They tell white lies and agonize over what to wear.In the Deep South, angels look very much like you and I,and they cling to each other with dustbowl desperationand replenish their failing reserves of grace with ritualin the hopes of remembering what they once were,what wonders they once were capable of performing”
“To believe you are literally a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, a Jew is a form of madness. The true self is no one.”
“Don’t make art your religion. We don’t need any more religions.”
“You don’t have to be religious to make the world a better place to live — you have to be just a human being.”
“ويذكر فينس مورسون الأسكتلندي الذي زار مدينة فينيسيا الإيطالية في القرن السادس عشر أن الرجال فقط وأرباب الأسر هم الذين يذهبون إلى الأسواق، ويشترون المؤن لأنه لا يسمح للنساء ولا حتى للخادمات بذلك، فالعفيفات كن يعزلن وتقفل عليهن أبواب البيوت، وكأن البيت سجن للمرأة. كان الشرف الجنسي سواء أتمّ بأسلوب العزل أو في خضم الحياة اليومية يهدف إلى تأمين زواج جيد للفتاة، حيث كانت الأسرة مستعدة لدفع مهرٍ كبير للعريس الجيد مقابل زواج ابنتها. ولذلك كان الشارع الأوروبي الوسيط ذكوريًا والبيئة ذكورية، والنساء اللواتي يخرجن من غير مرافقين من الذكور معرضات للعنف والاغتصاب بسهولةٍ ويسر.”
“تدعي التوراة ويدّعي التلمود أن الشهوة الجنسية عند المرأة أقوى منها عند الرجل، وأن المرأة هي التي تجعله يزني. ولهذا يطالب التلمود الأزواج بالإشباع الجنسي لزوجاتهم، ولكن في حالة تعدد الزوجات لا يستطيع الزوج إشباع أكثر من أربع زوجات. وليس صدفة تفضيل التوراة حياة الرعي على الزراعة لأن العبرانيين كانوا لفترةٍ طويلة رعاة رحّل.وإذا كان الأمر كذلك فإن روحًا ودودة وبريئة كانت تسود دليمون، وقبول بهيج لكل هبات الطبيعة السخية وشعور بالاتحاد الغامض مع كل الكائنات الحية، وترنيمة للحياة نفسها. وهي الأسطورة النمطية للثقافة الأنثوية القديمة.”