All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“When we lose our spiritual vocabulary, we lose much more than words. We lose the power of speaking grace, forgiveness, love, and justice over others.”
“Libraries hold more than books – they also contain salvation.”
“I look at a Sensual Lifestyle like the entrepreneur’s life. We are innovative, risk-taking, and constantly in conflict with convention. Ask me about my journey out of the religious system.”
“The goddess will always smile,For those in her light,For she will show them love,On many a given night.Bathing in her beauty,Seeing her heavenly glow,As she surrounds her brethren,On the land called Earth below.Her brethren will rejoice,When they feel her light,As it travels through their body,On those given nights.So say,Blessed Be!And welcome her to thee,For she will be with you always, Our goddess,Blessed Be!”
“The most rewarding thing in life; is finding a purpose in helping a fellow human without religious or ideological notions, and motivating others to do the same…..”
“To see the light in your heart, you must first open all windows in your mind which were shut during your early years….”
“We forgot that there are some things that we cannot get hold of with our minds. The mind is good — God put it there. He gave us our heads, and it was not His intention that our heads would function just as a place to hang a hat. He gave us our heads, and He put brains in our heads, and that faculty we call the intellect has its own work to do. But that work is not the apprehending of divine things — that is of the Holy Spirit. Let me remind you now that modern orthodoxy has make a great blunder in the erroneous assumption that spiritual truth can be intellectually perceived. There have been far-reaching conditions resulting from this concept — and they are showing in our preaching, our praying, our singing, our activity and our thinking.”
“How can we sleep when our soul is lit from within?”
“Man will always dispute who god is.”
“All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question.”
“I know God heard them both the same at the end, that he loved them both equally even though their prayers were different.”
“My whole life, Mama and Baba celebrated two religions’ worth of holidays—Christmas, Eid al-Fitr, Easter. It used to make me wonder whether the most important things we see in God are really in each other.”
“Your religion…serves you only for an excuse for your faults, but is no incentive to your virtue.”
“For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”
“Il catafero di Japichinu sarebbe andato a finire nello sbalanco di qualche chiarchiàro… No, il nonno sapeva quanto fosse religioso il nipoteddru. L’avrebbe fatto seppellire anonimamente in terra consacrata. Dintra il tabbuto di un altro.”