All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“فالعلم يدور حول الحقيقة المادية الفيزيائية، والكيميائية، البيولوجية.. والحقيقة النفسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية، والسياسية… ويهدف إلى الكشف عن القوانين الثابتة (عمليًا) بالملاحظة والتجربة والقياس (كلما أمكن)، لتفسير الظواهر، وترجمة القوانين إلى اختراعات واكتشافات أو حلول للمشكلات، وإعانة الإنسان في السيطرة على الطبيعة أو التكيف معها. أما الفلسفة فتطرح كل موضوع للتفكير والنقاش والتوكيد والشك والبرهان.أما الدين فيدور حول الحقيقة الوجودية أو الأزلية والروح والحياة والموت..ويقوم على الإيمان أو الاعتقاد لا المعرفة والعلم. وعندما حاول عمر بن الخطاب التفكير دينيًا عجز فقال: “اللهم إيمانًا كإيمان العجائز”. وإلى مثل ذلك ذهب اللاهوتي المسيحي القرطاجي ترتليان (160– 230 ب.م) حين قال: “إن الإيمان الأعمى هو السبيل الأوحد للخلاص”( ). إن مصدر الحقيقة في الدين هو النص، والقياس (غير الكمّي) والإجماع، والاجتهاد، حتى في مورد النص كما فعل بعض الصحابة.”
“So I’ve held on to Catholicism or Zen, as practices, as fantasy futures, as possible identities. But when I actually dare to lower myself down into this emptiness—no, that sounds entirely too dualistic and willful and “courageous”—but when this seeing suddenly happens and thought relaxes, Zen drops completely away, and something much deeper is contacted, some entirely other way of being.”
“We are a city that has had Islam for one thousand years. We had the greatest teachers and universities. And now these Bedouins, these illiterates, these ignoramuses, tell us how to wear our pants, and how to say our prayers, and how our wives should dress, as if they were the ones who invented the way?”
“As long as women are denied the priesthood, we will try to make our own rituals at our own kitchen altars and we will sew our own magical capes at our own sewing machines”
“Let us imagine the reaction of humankind’s future historians and anthropologists. With the benefit of perspective, will they look back on our religious beliefs and categorize them as the mythologies of an unenlightened time? Will they look at our gods as we look at Zeus? Will they collect our sacred scriptures and banish them to that dusty bookshelf of history?”
“Where do we come from? Where are we going? These fundamental questions of human existence have always obsessed me, and for years I’ve dreamed of finding the answers.” Edmond paused, his tone turning somber. “Tragically, on account of religious dogma, millions of people believe they already know the answers to these big questions. And because not every religion offers the same answers, entire cultures end up warring over whose answers are correct, and which version of God’s story is the One True Story.”
“Jews: look to Miriam, not Moses … Muslims: look to Fatimah, not Muhammad. Buddhists: remember Tara, the mother of liberation. Christians: pray to Mary for your salvation.”
“She was such a poster child for the twisted result of clinging to a joyless, punitive religion, a religion that sapped all the joy from life and led, in its final stages, to the extremism that poisoned the well of sane discourse.”
“They are stealing our sheep”. So one Jesuit described the tide of change sweeping Christianity in Latin America, long a Catholic bastion. Who are “they”? The new evangelical, Pentecostalist, and charismatic Protestant churches that have sprouted across the region in the last thirty years….. But the sheep have not been stolen. The sheep aren’t sheep anymore: they are consumers, and they have found a more attractive product in the market for salvation.”
“The Church and the faith existed before the Bible; that seems an elementary and simple fact which no one can deny or ever has denied. Thousands of people became Christians through the work of the Apostles and missionaries of Christ in various lands, and believed the whole truth of God as we believe it now, and became saints, before they ever saw or read, or could possibly see or read, a single sentence of inspired Scripture of the New Testament, for the simple reason that such Scripture did not then exist.”
“Fandom has a nasty tendency to absorb the surface appearances of a thing without ever bothering to internalize its underlying message.Huh. I guess it is just like a religion”
“In the world of so-called civilized and intelligent humans, there are only two accepted ways to see religion – one is the way of the believer, and the other is the one of the non-believer. But there is a third way – the way of the real religious person – the way of the real scientist – the way of the real yogi. It is the way where you see religion as it is, that is, an organized structure which helps people go through their daily life with as little hitch as possible. And as such, every organized structure has its pros and cons.”
“Religion? Let us talk of it less, practise more!”
“I know of no religion higher than the religion of Unity and Love, of Service and Sacrifice.”
“Cleanliness is not next to godliness, it is godliness. When the mind is cleansed of all primordial impurities, then and then only real godliness of actual practical potential begins to manifest.”