All Quotes By Tag: Romance
“The insanity of love, and that’s why you’re trying to drive away with the park brake on.”
“If he was planning to attack and ravish, he gave no indication of being in a hurry to do so.”
“And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him”
“If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live ” “Right here ” Enzo replies. “In your arms.”
“If you are lost, I will find you. If you are in danger, I will protect you,” he said seriously. “It’s what a gentleman does, Elysse.”~Alexi de Warenne to Elysse O’Neil”
“When it comes to sexuality, romantic love plays a large part in feminine sexual scripts. Research suggests that women make sense of sexual encounters in terms of the amount of intimacy experienced; love becomes a rationale for sex. If i am in love, women often reason, sex is okay. Men more easily accept sex for its own sake, with no emotional strings necessarily attached. In this way, sexual scripts for men have involved more of an instrumental (sex for its own sake) approach, whereas for women it tends to be more expressive (sex involving emotional attachments). There is evidence to suggest that women are moving in the direction of sex as an end in itself without the normative constraints of an emotional relationship. By and large, however, women are still more likely than men to engage in sex as an act of love. Many scholars suggest that romance is one of the key ways that sexism is maintained in society.”
“What can I do?” he asked. “To start taking care of you?”
“If ever there was something she needed to stick around and fight for, Luc was that something.”
“Mary approaches her before she is able to reach her station. “Hello Lily. Get anything special for Christmas?””Just the usual.” She answers. “Shattered dreams.”
“Is there somebody out there? Amy, is that you?” her mother called.“No. Tell me this isn’t happening.” Quinn rested his forehead against hers. “Has she got a wiretap on you or something? I swear, she’s like a walking hard-on detector.”Amy bit her lip, trying not to laugh. Quinn levered himself up on his arms.“Mrs. P., if you value your life, you’ll go back inside and turn off the light right now.”
“You haunt me. You alone. You’re my fire. I’m your air.” Nathaniel to Amelia”
“Damn. I never should have agreed to this. What is he thinking? Here we are in a piece of crap pickup truck on our way to sit outside of a supermarket to kidnap this girl. Damn. He’d better not be falling for her. Sure she’s cute, but I can’t think about that.”
“My life was dark, torture and empty before you found me. You brought the light, Red. I love you.”
“He did not blame them. Because in truth, that’s what he did, what he was. Seduce and dominate. Charm and manipulate. A user of women. How they would scoff, Rothbury mused bitterly, if they knew that he was secretly in love with the silly little chit, spectacles and all.”
“Not that I knew who you were until last month. But now that I’ve got you, I’m not letting you go.””You’re not?”Blake stared at her in irritated confusion. What was her game? “Do you think I’m an idiot?” he spat out.”No,” she said. “I’ve just escaped from a den of idiots, so I’m well familiar with the breed, and you’re something else entirely. I am, however, hoping you’re not a terribly good shot.”