“You will always be where you’re meant to be.”

“I am hopeful, I see seeds of success germinating with every failure.”

“Shut the window to all problems and focus on finding the doors to opportunity.”

“You’re looking for success, but it’s not out there, it is inside you. Be and become successful.”

“As the most beautiful rose grows next to a painful thorn, so is the most joyful success residing next to the most painful failures.”

“Every success demands some kind of sacrifice, so don’t fear to do it, do it with love.”

“The past will never find you to hurt you, but it never forgets to remind you of the lessons you learned from the successes and failures of the past.”

“Problems are not strangers, they are true teachers.”

“Love makes us invincible.Always be in Love.Life is not always about winning,It’s about never surrendering.”

“If you want fame or wealth or wolves, go out and hunt for them.”

“Stop sitting on the sidelines of everyone else’s life and become and active participant in your own life.”

“Big life changes are made in small, manageable chunks.”

“Proven fact: You can never finish something you didn’t start.”

“Realize, rise and act – make mistakes, fall hard, then rise again and try again.”

“Err my friend, but be not defeated and keep on moving.”