“All credit goes to consciousness, without it there is no life and no credit.”

“When you are endowed with consciousness, you begin your journey to greatness”

“Who you will be in two years from now depends on your choices and focus, so choose and take action carefully.”

“People who attribute success to luck have never truly been successful. Luck may place an opportunity in your lap, but only a constant, obsessive attention transforms that opportunity into some kind of meaningful success.”

“Greatness Cannot Be StoppedGreatness Cannot be StoppedIt can only be delayedand if gets delayed it just gets Greaterbecause it gains new Strength”

“Men ought to attempt everything and fear nothing.”

“Your time is the most valuable asset with you; invest it, where you get best returns.”

“The easiest way to success is through bed. You can only dream about it.”

“The most ever Common Question to ask is.”What is the Key Of Success ? “And the Answers of this question are more common ,like Honest,Hard work and so onLet me tell you my Answer :-There is no any soft key kind of thing to open success door No one can open But you have to break it down By all your combined force”

“If you’re not chasing your dreams, you’re still sleeping. WAKE UP! Don’t throw away another day. GO GET IT!”

“Some people are each way more hurt by their worst enemy’s success than they were hurt by their then best friend’s death.”

“Even if yesterday was wildly successful, I still don’t want to repeat it. Rather, I want to build on it.”

“A person of value is always a success but a person who is successful is not always a person of value.”

“You can do anything you stick your mind to. Einstein was dyslexic, Bill Gates has asperger’s syndrome, Orlando Bloom also has dyslexia, and Daniel Radcliffe has dyspraxia and (LD), but they all went on to become very successful individuals in this world. I myself have an intellectual disability, but I refuse to let that garbage set me back. You just gotta stay positive, let the critics and sarcasm roll off your back and just keep grinding nowhere but forward. You don’t have to be smart to crush your dreams, you just have to have the heart and determination.”

“The more failures you overcome, the more sweeter your victory will become.”