“What makes you a champ isn’t found at the starting line or the finish line, but somewhere in between. You’ve got this. Just keep moving forward.”

“My fears teach me courage. My weaknesses coach me to strength. My scars remind me not to make the same mistakes. I can become who I long to be by loving who I am now.”

“The do-somethings will always be judged by the do-nothings…Those who dare are always hated by those who cower.”

“Success is a habit, not an action.”

“Every detour puts you on the right path for your own success.”

“If you’re not losing you’re not winning. Your losses create your ability to win.”

“Though you have failed before, there is no guarantee that you will fail again. Try, try again because if you stop trying you can never succeed.”

“Make your success a habit not just an act of whim.”

“You may have given the best of everything to your family but if you failed to inspire the right values, if your arrogance is remembered more than your love, if you don’t get the respect that you expect; the accountability lies with you and how far you escorted yourself in the pursuit of success.”

“Don’t be resentful of others’ success, celebrate it. Success is not a limited resource and other people’s success doesn’t have to hinder yours.”

“Im loved for my ambition but hated for my success.”

“Vision is your first creation of the future.”

“Stay focused. Not every distraction is a worthy detour.”

“Your core values are your deciding factors for success.”

“Your belief system consists of the power to create and to destroy.”