“Character makes trust possible and trust makes great leadership possible.”


“If we still point fingers when something wrong is happening. We are not ready and we will never find a solution for the problem at hand.”

“If there is failure in a relationship, it’s because there was no LOVE.”

“Learn to accept everything about yourself, even the part of yourself that struggles to accept everything about yourself”

“Leadership is a choice. To choose power or empowerment.”

“It is good to have your own vision, but it is dangerous not to run with it.”

“The business would do good to understand that success or failure is not final in Data Science. For this reason, the business should develop a persistent spirit.”

“A seeker of radical strenght Keeps everything on track, Feeble force yields at length, Not sure where to go back. When one can’t find courage, And all the efforts seem vain, It’s advised to fight like a sage: Be powerful like a bullet train! Too much work and no play Can make a brain go astray! Determined to live and stay Can lead life into a long way.”

“Going against the storm requires strength, energy and a will to succeed.”

“We all know that there is a reward for every labour as well as there is a reward for every game played and won. How committed you are in life determines your reward.”

“If you can survive and won the battle over other millions of semen deposited alongside with you in your mothers womb, tell me why you cannot win the battle over challenges, difficulties and poverty? Friend, I know you will succeed because; you’d once done it in the womb.”