“The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to protect them.It’s for their own good.”

“When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they’re getting worried that they won’t like the truth.”

“Enlightenment is not a goal to be attained, it is a state-of-being to be regained.”

“Always stand up for Truth regardless of who steps on it.”

“It doesn’t have any effect on your life. What do you care?! People try to talk about it like it’s a social issue. Like when you see someone stand up on a talk show and say, “How am I supposed to explain to my children that two men are getting married?… I dunno. It’s your shitty kid. You fuckin’ tell ’em. Why is that anyone else’s problem? Two guys are in LOVE and they can’t get married because you don’t want to talk to your ugly child for five fuckin’ minutes?”

“Think? Why think! We have computers to do that for us.”

“Of course, in our train of thought, we would all like to think we’re on the right track, or at least the same railroad company as the right track.”

“Sooner or later on this journey, every traveller faces the same question: Are you a human intending to be a god, or a god pretending to be human?”

“No! Try not! Do or do not, there is no try.”

“The story is about being loyal to the truth as a nation, that citizens of a democracy are collectively responsible for what their troops do in war, good or bad.”

“You could say that life just happens and it’s the way it goes, you either accept it or you fight it… Or You can be one of the few that rises above this perception and fights in all their glory to create the life they want, regardless of the struggle. Who do you want to be? Someone to remember or someone easy to forget…”

“Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well. Think about it.”

“There is the truth of history, and there is the truth of what a person remembers. As {she} sat at the edge of {the lake}, memory blossoms floated unbounded, as though breathed, no words spoken. Like birds that fly across national borders, between countries at war at each other.”

“Yes, sex is troublesome and beautiful. And only when we drop our expectations, and know that we’ll have moments of great sex and moments when our sexuality confounds, pains, or infuriates us, will we be liberated to enjoy it in a way that’s true to ourselves.”

“My discourse leads to the truth; the mind is great and guided by this teaching is able to arrive at some understanding. When the mind has understood all things and found them to be in harmony with what has been expounded by the teachings, it is faithful and comes to rest in that beautiful faith.”