“You can be great in any area of life, just learn to convert time into added value and tangible products.”

“The amount of time you invest into your products determines the quality of the products.”

“No man has become world’s richest man because he wasted his time in the pub in the cinemas watching movies and sports.”

“No man has been rewarded world’s richest man for sleeping away his every day and night.”

“Conquer your territory through time conversion.”

“In life, everyone must decide in what area of life he or she wants to be great.”

“We are all endowed with the wealth of time equally. Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, has this wealth.”

“You too can become wealthy but only thanks to the amount of time you are willing to convert into products.”

“If you can decide to invest all your time into giving birth to a quality product, the whole world will celebrate you and everyone will be in need of your product.”

“Money is a by-product of time. Money is the time that is well converted. Therefore, time is the raw material from which money is made.”

“There is so much pressure on us to try to overcome boredom by spending time on frivolities.”

“Our streets are littered with university graduates holding paper certificates and looking for a way to enslave themselves again under a boss in the name of looking for a job.”

“Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine with your distractions.”

“Your time is diminishing per every second and minute that passes.”