“Sometimes we drink a little much to think a little less.”

“he who is greedy is always in want”

“The intelligent have plans; the wise have principles.”

“we have to live today by what truth we can get today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood”

“Confidence that one’s impressions are God-given is no guarantee that this is really so, even when they persist and grow stronger through long seasons of prayer. Bible-based wisdom must judge them.”

“For the newborn and wise, everything begins small.”

“إن اللغة ناقل غير كفء، وإن الناس حين يسمعون كلامًا يفهمونه في ضوء ما لديهم من خلفيات معرفية، بل إن كثيرًا منهم يقرؤون تلك الخلفيات ويبلورونها عوضًا عن الاشتغال بفهم ما سمعوه.”

“The maid told him that a girl and a child had come looking for him, but since she didn’t know them, she hadn’t cared to ask them in, and had told them to go on to Mers.”Why didn’t you let them in?” asked Germain angrily. “People must be very suspicious in this part of the world, if they won’t open the front door to a neighbor.””Well, naturally!” replied the maid. “In a house as rich as this, you have to keep a close watch on things. While the master’s away I’m responsible for everything, and I can’t just open the door to anyone at all.””That’s a mean way to live,” said Germain; “I’d rather be poor than live in fear like that. Good-bye to you, miss, and good-bye to this horrible country of yours!”

“That is how we become wise, by living each day attending to the lessons God puts in our path.”

“And don’t forget: Elvendork! It’s unisex!”

“If love goes too far, it turns into cruelty.”

“The slave is not afflicted with a punishment greater than the hardening of the heart and being distant from Allah. For the Fire was created to melt the hardened heart. The most distant heart from Allah is the heart which is hardened. If the heart becomes hardened, the eye becomes dry.”

“We all have scars, Mia; they are supposed to make you stronger, not paralyze you.” ~Cole”

“Words of Wisdom (wow): Be Still. Let Go.Flow.Breathe.Believe.Allow.Grow.Align.Be the Light.Be Awake.Be Aware.Anticipate.Participate.Embrace Change.Take that…Chance.Love.You Are Loved.Rise to the Occasion.Fuel your Motivation & make the world become a better place ☯”

“The one thing I do remember is that as I retraced my steps through all the familiar streets of my life, Inow felt completely lost.”