“To write does not mean to convert the real into words but to make the power of the word real.”

“The writer writes in order to teach himself, to understand himself, to satisfy himself; the publishing of his ideas, though it brings gratification, is a curious anticlimax.”

“I’m also old… and my own gift for writing fantasy grows out of very literal-minded, pragmatic soil: the things I do when I’m not telling stories have always been pretty three-dimensional. I used to say that the only strong attraction reality ever had for me was horses and horseback riding, but I’ve also been cooking and going for long walks since I was a kid (yes, the two are related), and I’m getting even more three dimensionally biased as I get older — gardening, bell ringing… piano playing… And the stories I seem to need to write seem to need that kind of nourishment from me — how you feed your story telling varies from writer to writer. My story-telling faculty needs real-world fresh air and experiences that create calluses (and sometimes bruises).”

“My Muse sits forlornShe wishes she had not been bornShe sits in the coldNo word she says is ever told.”

“I started writing because of a terrible feeling of powerlessness,” the novelist Anita Brookner has said. The National Book Award winner Alice McDermott noted that the most difficult thing about becoming a writer was convincing herself that she had anything to say that people would want to read. “There’s nothing to writing,” the columnist Red Smith once commented. “All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.”

“I spoke fire, laughed smoke, and madness spilled forth from my inspiration.”

“One writes because one has been touched by the yearning for and the despair of ever touching the Other.”

“I’ve found, in my own writing, that a little hatred, keenly directed, is a useful thing.”

“Better to work for yourself alone. You do as you like and follow your own ideas, you admire yourself and please yourself: isn’t that the main thing? And then the public is so stupid. Besides, who reads? And what do they read? And what do they admire?”

“Never let negativity derail your journey as a writer. Use the energy for your own betterment.”

“Never annoy an inspirational author or you will become the poison in her pen and the villian in every one of her books.”

“Writing a novel is not merely going on a shopping expedition across the border to an unreal land: it is hours and years spent in the factories, the streets, the cathedrals of the imagination. ”

“To be a writer is to embrace rejection as a way of life.”

“Rahasiaku produktif menulis? Hanya satu kata: NIAT.”

“To be an honest writer, you have to be away from home, and totally alone in life.”