All Quotes By Tag: Beauty
“Monotony is the most beautiful or the most atrocious thing. The most beautiful if it is a reflection of eternity–the most atrocious if it is the sign of an unvarying perpetuity. It is time surpassed or time sterilized.”
“she might have been pretty when she started out, but the world had moved on since then.”
“No time to see, in broad daylight,Streams full of stars, like skies at night.No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,And watch her feet, how they can dance.No time to wait till her mouth canEnrich that smile her eyes began.”
“Schönheit ist Ewigkeit, die sich in einem Spiegel anschaut. – Aber ihr seid die Ewigkeit, und ihr seid der Spiegel.”
“And at the end of the night, they realized how important those little stars were, which they ignored while adoring the beauty of the moon whole night.”
“Money and beauty are defenses against the sorrows of this world but neither can undo the past. Only time will conquer time. The way forward is the only way back to innocence and to peace.”
“عشق ورزی چون رقص است.انسان همیشه دیگری را همراه خود میکشاند.”
“And still the brain continues to yearn, continues to burn, foolishly, with desire. My old man’s brain is mocked by a body that still longs to stretch in the sun and form a beautiful shape in someone else’s gaze, to lie under a blue sky and dream of helpless, selfless love, to behold itself, illuminated, in the golden light of another’s eyes.”
“There was a beautiful time…”
“The devil himself can become beauty, so we are told, to corrupt mankind.”(Marco)”
“Beauty is charm.”
“It’s taking the pain, giving it new purpose as something tragic and beautiful. Tragic in that it had to happen. Beautiful in that you found a way to make something resembling hope out of it.”
“I know this life isn’t fair. I know that beauty will fade and hard times will grip our hearts and darkness will threaten to swallow us whole. But, I’m ready to face the night with you.”
“If we are exhorted to play simple melodies with beauty rather than difficult ones with error, the same should be applied to writing; simple words greater effect.”
“You know that thingYou do so well,That little sparkYou hideIn the dark,That you thinkNobodyKnowsAboutButYou?Well,Did you knowThatThere’sA sheenThat you beam,When you talkOr doAnything,That everyoneKnowsAboutButYou?SOUL SHINE by Suzy KassemRISE UP AND SALUTE THE SUN, 2010”