“If you believe in God, there are certain things that you will have access to that others that don’t believe would not have access to”

“The earth will work whether you believe in Him or not”

“God has put everything under certain laws and principles that even if you don’t believe in Him, even if you hate Him; the laws will still work for you”

“God is working not because you believe in Him or not”

“Believing in God is good but believing in God alone will not make you great”

“You have got to believe in yourself”

“You have to believe in you”

“God wants you to believe in his investment in your life”

“When you believe in yourself, you begin to use your energy to convert your time into concrete value chain”

“The dreams that you have today will become the reality of tomorrow if you truly believe in them.”

“From the moment you think you have made it, is the beginning of the end.”

“وما تعدد الاديان غير شاهدٍ على أَن الناس ليسوا في مستوى واحد من الإِ يمان.”

“Stand for something. Make your life mean something. Start where you are with what you have. You are enough.”

“I believe music is the good vibrations that heal parts of us we don’t understand yet. And God forbid we ever do. We aren’t supposed to know everything. The desire and need to know everything is the greatest insecurity one can have.”

“Believe is behold.”