All Quotes By Tag: Believe
“For once,engulf,not air,but hope.For once,breathe on,a firm belief!”
“Believe in God is the beauty of being.”
“Our life on Earth is nothing but a reflection of the Heaven above. Our mind is the mirror. Sometimes is peaceful and gentle, sometimes it roars and hollows. The clearer it gets, the more you see Heaven in your life. But when the storm rages on, the reflection is gone and it seems that Heaven is nowhere and has never been. Regardless of whether your mind is clear or not, what you must remember is that Heaven is still there.”
“Things are always either black or white. The grey in between is only a confusion.”
“Faith is a simple believing in and confidence in Love and His goodness toward us.”
“Most human beings strongly believe that money is way less important than the life of a human being, but in reality five hundred, fifty, or even five dollars are way more important to the lives of most human beings than the lives of most human beings.”
“To believe is to be.”
“Today, I am doing well in every aspect of my life. But, this is only because I’ve realized that I can do it.”
“[THE DAILY BREATH]Blaise Pascal, the famous mathematician, once said: “To those who wish to see, God gives them sufficient light. To those who doesn’t wish to see, God gives them sufficient darkness.” Seeing the Truth is a choice. Listening to my words is a choice. Healing is a choice. If want scientific evidence about the existence of God, there is a wealth of data to support it. Dr. Jeffrey Long, M.D. used the best scientific techniques available today to study more than 4,000 people who had near-death experiences and found themselves face to face with our Heavenly Father. Read the book “God and the Afterlife” and you will find it.If you want scientific evidence about Jesus being the Son of God, Lee Strobel, an atheist investigative journalist discovered it. Read the book “The Case for Christ” and you will find it.If you want scientific evidence about Jesus still healing today, study the ministries of Dr. Charles Ndifon, T.L. Osborn, Kathryn Kuhlman among others, and you will find it.But most importantly, if you want to fill the emptiness within you, and experience the perfect love, mercy and forgiveness, if you want to live in the peace of our Heavenly Father, give your body, your mind and your heart to Christ. Give your life to Jesus. The empty place you feel in your heart is reserved only for the spirit of Christ and nothing from this world will fill it. Look up to heaven, behold Jesus and Live.”
“A wise person is the one who knows what he knows and what he does not know.”
“Most sane human beings who are over the age of six usually act or react not as per what they genuinely feel or really think but in accordance with the expectations of those around them.”
“I have plenty of faith, but more often than not it’s faith in the belief that faith doesn’t work.”
“dream big, love large and live humbly”
“Act in faith, don’t W.O.R.R.Y. W = Waste O = Outstanding R = Resources R = Ruining Y = Your life”
“Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and achieves the impossible.”