“We all make mistakes, the danger lies in letting those mistakes make us. Make us believe we can’t put things right. Make us think there’s no hope. Make us give up.”

“If you believe our cause so hopeless, why join us?””Because you offered something I had forgotten could be offered, a choice. And I choose to die free.”

“Hope against hope, is the grace of faith.”

“Don’t allow your crisis to become a crisis of faith.”

“If you can only believe in the Jesus Christ, you will be saved.”

“To behold, you must first believe.”

“C’è un vedere che è credere, perchè è sperare, ma sperare richiede di essere disposti a servire la vita che si è intuita nell’altro.”

“Hope is not a prison.” Sorrel gently squeezed her arm. “Hope should lessen your fears, not intensify them”

“If you believe, you can, you can.”

“Faith is acknowledging what I can’t see as a means of embracing that which I cannot afford to miss.”

“If you BELIEVE, you can BEHOLD.”

“Even in the midst of darkness, there is always a shard of light if we will but search for it hard enough and believe in it strongly enough.”

“God’s promises for your life may not happen in your timeline but it will surely happen in your lifetime.”