All Quotes By Tag: Christianity
“The name outlaw Christian describes the kind of Christian I am and the kind I’m setting myself free to become: namely, a follower of Jesus who no longer accepts cocky clichés, hackneyed hope, or snappy theodicies—defenses of God’s goodness and power—that explain away evil and suffering with a theo-magical sleight of hand. An outlaw Christian doesn’t condemn questions or discourage doubt. Instead, an outlaw Christian seeks to live an authentic life of faith and integrity, and chooses the defy the unwritten laws governing suffering, grief, and hope that our culture and religious traditions have asked us to ingest. The faith of an outlaw Christian is bold, outspoken, and active in a world of pain.”
“Grace freely given by God,”
“Hope against hope, is the grace of faith.”
“Grace is a free sacred gift from God.”
“The Saviour, sacrifice his life as offering for sin.”
“The truth of the gospel is the true words of God.”
“As I silently rub the drops of blood on the wall, I can only find the right words when I think of that merciful and just God who is so far away, and yet so close.”
“Praying is pure philosophy.”
“Faith is acknowledging what I can’t see as a means of embracing that which I cannot afford to miss.”
“Nothing in the past has shaken the foundation of our faith. Nothing in the present can move it. Nothing in the future will undermine it. Whatever may occur in the ages to come, there will always be good reason for believing in Jehovah and his faithful Word. The great truths he has revealed will never be disproved. The great promises he has made will never be retracted. The great purposes he has devised will never be abandoned. So long as we live, we will always have a refuge, a hope, a confidence, that can never be removed. “I will bear you up when you turn gray” is not just a promise for those in old age. But it is also a promise to the people of God at any and every period between their birth and their death.”
“We must grow out of this ground surrounding our minds and branch ourselves out into the reality that bears the fruits of heaven”
“Those whom we have culture in common we are meant to carry the beauty of culture into the future so others can benefit from it.To those whom we have interests-hobbies in common we are meant to exchange the love of that interest. We are meant to growing it and nurture it like a parent raises a child so our contribution to that interest can bring inspiration and happiness to all others that come across it. To those whom we have base fears love and humanity in common , we are meant to protect their humanity as if their life is ours because we would expect others to protect and respect our humanity if we are ever vulnerable and in their suffering position. Lastly, those to whom we have blood in common we are meant to come close. For the network of vessels sustaining your body carries the same energy that is in theirs. When their heart is unsteady, you steady it with yours. When their blood runs hot, you cool it with yours. When their heart is at peace you join them and protect that peace at any means necessary.”
“It’s not about country, it’s about feeling at home inside yourself. It’s not about culture its about sympathizing with our forefather Adam by connecting with our brothers/sisters in humanity to help us return to what he lost, all life is longing for the only source that can never run out or reach a threshold, God.”
“Maybe every now and then I need something ‘unbelievable’ to happen to help make that which is ‘believable’ a place where I start, but not a place where I stop.”
“God Doesn’t Love Me The Way I Deserve…He Loves Me The Way He Desires…”