“Life is beautiful if one lives and reads its chapters with a thirst emanating from knowing that death might be lurking around the corner.”

“Heald envied and admired a dog’s existence, and it only weighed on him more when he considered the rare and undeniably questionable gift of knowing that he would die— that he was mortal. A dog could only embrace love absolutely, without hesitation, and could devote itself to it with complete and unabashed abandon, for the world was forever.”

“I have killed and hurt. I have conquered and pillaged. I have done all of this in the name of my own desires, have done everything in life because of my own selfishness. I have always taken what I wanted, and it has never given me happiness. If I return to the surface, alone, I will forever remember this moment, the moment I decided to choose my own life over my sister’s. It will haunt me, even with Magiano at my side, until my death. What I saw for myself in my future is a future I cannot have, not with the past that I have already created. It is an illusion. Nothing more.Perhaps, after all the lives I have taken, my atonement is to restore life to one.”

“Will it take the death of me to finally learn that the things that I describe as success may very well be the death of me?”

“The experience and behavior that gets labeled schizophrenic is a special strategy that a person invents in order to live in an unlivable situation.”

“I may returnIf dissatisfiedWith what I learnFrom having died.”

“Si quelqu’un vous dit : “Je me tue à vous le répéter”, laissez-le mourir.”

“No matter what, that which we enjoy and treasure today will come to an end; one day we will breathe our last. Now is the best time to build our legacy for that is what we will be remembered for.”

“The worst part is not the dying, it’s not knowing when or how.”

“James felt as he always felt waiting to deliver this kind of news: like an emotional mugger, smashing into other people’s calm lives, leaving agony and loss behind. The aloofness of his role built his guilt, his distance from their pain. That he could introduce himself to people to deliver news that ruined them, with no wounds of his own to show in solidarity. He was the professional, like a doctor, slicing through their existence then going back to his own clean life.”

“They walked along in silence. Silence was the only way of not thinking about Karenin in the past tense. They did not let him out of their sight; they were with him constantly, waiting for him to smile. But he did not smile; he merely walked with them, limping along on his three legs.He’s just doing it for us, said Tereza. He didn’t want to go for a walk. He’s just doing it to make us happy. It was sad, what she said, yet without realizing it they were happy. They were happy not in spite of their sadness but thanks to it. They were holding hands and both had the same image in their eyes: a limping dog who represented ten years of their lives.”

“Death is a stage on which our souls can be completed. We must one day take the stage of death, which is already prepared for us. Will you crawl onto that stage, trembling in fear, or will you walk out into the spotlight with boldness and confidence?”

“İnsana üzərində xoşbəxt yaşamaq üçün bir qədər torpaq lazımdır, həmişəlik rahat olmaq üçün isə daha az torpaq gərək olur.”

“Something will kill me eventually but until then I’m swimming in ambrosia.”

“Is the sunrise superior just because it goes before the sunset with a day and sunset goes before the sunrise with a night? Could there be day without night and sunrise without sunset, life without death?”