“It’s like killing each other is the only thing we know how to do.”

“You dont die just once, Because you are a human being with emotions you die many times in your lifetime before you actually die. Most of the times you alone mourn on those little deaths.”

“The rancid, acerbic smell of burning flesh rasped in the throats of the shocked onlookers, an odour once breathed never forgotten.”

“Out beyond the ideas of Life and Death, there lives a poet trying to find the world between the breaths. With each Inhale he writes the songs of life and with each exhale he lets it out like a death.”

“From the time one gets married he tries to improve his wife, but neither of the two improves till death. Instead, if you would have tried to cut vegetables, it would have been done (with success.) So do not try to improve the wife. She may try to improve us [men] but we should not try to reform them.”

“There are too many years around this table, too much time confined in one place.”

“Everything we hold will soon elapse,as we’ll sleep through one dreamless night;but rising again to this dream, whether we’ll behiding behind our darkness or this borrowed light?- Thou little fool”

“Everything we hold will soon elapse,as we’ll sleep through one dreamless night;but rising again to this dream, whether we’ll behiding behind our darkness or this borrowed light?”- Thou little fool”

“Nobody ever goes before their time.”

“Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left?.. He would not wither. He would not be ashamed of dying.”

“Did I know that the reason Hitler had been able to slaughter six million Jews without too much complaint from the world was that for two thousand years the world had been taught that Jews, not Romans, had killed that man?”

“The dream is over only when you have become complacent.”

“Dreams don’t have time. Neither does sleep, nor death. That’s why it is sometimes good to wear a watch.”

“He decides it is better to die in Ireland than in Paris because in Ireland the outdoors looks like the outdoors and gravestones are mossy and chipped, and the letters wear down with the wind and the rain so everyone gets forgotten in time, and life flies on.”

“At the point where he, today’s Ivan Ilyich, began to emerge, all the pleasures that had seemed so real melted away now before his eyes and turned into something trivial and often disgusting.And the further he was from childhood, the nearer he got to the present day, the more trivial and dubious his pleasures appeared. It started with law school. That had retained a little something that was really good: there was fun, there was friendship, there was hope. But in the last years the good times had become more exceptional. Then, at the beginning of his service with the governor, some good times came again: memories of making love to a woman. Then it became all confused, and the good times were not so many. After that there were fewer still; the further he went the fewer there were.Marriage. . .an accident and such a disappointment, and his wife’s bad breath, and all that sensuality and hypocrisy! And the deadlines of his working life, and those money worries, going on for a year, two years, ten, twenty – always the same old story. And the longer it went on the deadlier it became.’It’s as if I had been going downhill when I thought I was going uphill. That’s how it was. In society’s opinion I was heading uphill, but in equal measure life was slipping away from me…And now it’s all over. Nothing left but to die!”