“Glory to Holy God!”

“Every new day is the dawn of a new grace.”

“Peace be to all people.Goodwill to all mankind.Glory to God in the holy habitation.”

“And tha’s where you’d be dead wrong!” Mae Mae said as she pointed her finger. “Everybody — every single body — makes a difference! But there is a choice that determines what kinda difference you will make. Most folks don’t see how important they are… how much they matter to all of us. So they never choose to do somethin’ special wif their lives. And not makin’ a choice? That is a choice … a lost one.”

“The Lord Almighty is God.”

“Our Father in heaven” — I am a child away from home.”Your name be honored as holy”–I am a worshiper.”Your kingdom come”–I am a subject.”Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”–I am a servant.”Give us today our daily bread”–I am a beggar.”And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors”–I am a sinner.”And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”–I am a sinner in danger of being a still greater sinner.”

“Shiro died. There was nothing pretty about it. There was no dignity to it. He’d been brutalized and savagely murdered – and he’d allowed it to happen to him in my place.But when he died, there was a small, contended smile on his face. Maybe the smile of someone who had run his course without wavering from it. Someone who had served something greater than himself. Who had given up his life willingly, if not gladly.”

“إن لم يكن الله موجودًا؛ فسيكون الموت نهاية كل شيء. وفي هذه الحال تصير نتيجة الحياة، مع فرضيّة وجود الله؛ تجنُّب كثير من الملذات، وهي خسارة كبيرة حقًا. فنحنُ نعيش مرة واحدة فقط.”

“Faith allows an evasion of those difficulties which the atheist confronts honestly. And to crown all, the believer derives a sense of great superiority from this very cowardice itself.”

“Faith, thought Eszter . . . is not a matter of believing something, but believing that somehow things could be different; in the same way, music was not the articulation of some better part of ourselves, or a reference to some notion of a better world, but a disguising of the fact of our irredeemable selves and the sorry state of the world, but no, not merely a disguising but a complete, twisted denial of such facts: it was a cure that did not work, a barbiturate that functioned as an opiate.”

“Putting down the book, I said: “Listen, it revolts me to think that God sent His Son to say to us: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life,’ with the fine result then that all of us find ourselves in the situation of those blind men, each with a wretched little fragment of the truth in his hand, each fragment different from the others. We know the truth of the faith only by analogy, yes; but blind to this degree, no! It seems to me unworthy both of God and of our reason!” This unexpected theology based on elephants’ tails and backs did not completely convince my guest, but it shook him, making him say: “Well, nobody had ever said this to me!”

“A belief of convenience isn’t much use, is it?”

“Our lives shall be better if, we heed to the pure words of God.”

“Good works never saves a man, only grace of Faith in Son of Man.”

“The only wise God!”