“Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s a relationship. And as we all know, a relationship requires a high commitment to communication.”

“God had faith in us to look after everything in and on the Earth. We just didn’t have faith in ourselves to do it.”

“Whoever does good, know God.”

“Rekindled the fire in your soul.”

“The greatest life is to love thy God with all your heart in obedient faith.”

“A sinner needs a Saviour. Just like a lost sheep needs a shepherd.”

“So what if there’s no sun out today…I’m full of divine shine anyway…at any time, day or night…I’ve learned its quite all right. As a faith-height guide, I pack a powerful spotlight flash that can push back the darkness with an inner grin, facing forward into life’s best light…”

“Seeing is not always believing, its the other way around. Believe and you will see.”

“Whoever survived cruel situations, finds the strength of obedient faith.”

“Let your life be an inspiration.”

“Theism is a conclusion, so is atheism – none of these two conclusions is the product of serious investigation – one is born from the human’s primitive urge to believe, and the other is born from the human’s comparatively modern arrogance of radical reasoning. Neither of them truly wants to understand – rather both of them want to conclude on a matter that requires infinite patience, perseverance and naivety.”

“The Righteous God, does what is right.”

“True faith has to be with the awareness of the Self (I am Pure Soul). But here one goes around with the belief of ‘I am Chandubhai’, and that indeed is absence of self awareness (ajagruti).”

“Be still, and know that I will always love you.”

“Sometimes, in your battle with unbelief, your greatest ally will wrestle you—he might even make you limp—until you’re desperate enough to say, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’ It is a great mercy to be brought to the point where you’re desperate enough to insist on what you need the most.”