“Maybe happiness too is a metaphor invented on a day of boredom”

“If you see the world and yourself through a lens smudged by negativity then you’ll find much misery. If you look outwards and inwards through lens brightened by positivity you’ll find much to be happy and appreciative about.”

“Happiness is simple. Everything we do to find it is complicated.”

“Oh, Marilla, I thought I was happy before. Now I know that I just dreamed a pleasant dream of happiness. This is the reality.”

“Not that happiness is dull. Only that it doesn’t tell well. And of our consuming diversions as we age is to recite, not only to others but to ourselves, our own story.”

“If there was one thing that life has taught me, it’s to accept the most foolish and unthinkable happiness.”

“-Paint-My girlfriend is so besotted that she can’t take her eyes off me. After we’ve turned out the light she puts on her night-vision goggles, and watched me as I sleep. Quite often I am woken by her sighing and involuntary yelps of happiness. This has been going on for years, and is showing no sign of abating. Once I asked her to stop all this infra-red activity, but it didn’t really work; I’d wake up to find her covering me in luminous paint, and softly whispering, ‘Sometimes I wonder if you know how much I love you.”

“الحب يعني أن تهتم بسعادة شخص آخر أكثر من اهتمامك بسعادتك أنت ، بغض النظر عن مدى الألم الذي سيسببه لك قرارك”

“If one’s bowels move, one is happy, and if they don’t move, one is unhappy. That is all there is to it.”

“And although it might be best of all to be Socrates satisfied, having both happiness and depth, we would give up some happiness in order to gain the depth.”

“Sex could be a blissful communion,. But it could also be a weapon, and its absence, sometimes, was required for the establishment of peace.”

“I hate going through this when we just found…,” his voice trailed off.”Found what?””Each other,” he finished, half-smiling.”

“I am in an altogether new world now. I can think of nothing more wonderful. It is a real touch of all that heaven means.”

“There are hours for rest, and hours for wakefulness; nights for sobriety and nights for drunkenness—(if only so that possession of the former allows us to discern the latter when we have it; for sad as it is, no human body can be happily drunk all the time).”

“.. she believed a great happiness awaited her somewhere, and for this reason she remained calm as the days flew by.”