All Quotes By Tag: History
“The Russian Intelligentsia is a quite special and peculiar thing; as a spiritual and a social form it existed only in Russia. The Intelligentsia was an idealistic class, a class of people wholly influenced by ideas and ready to face prison, hard labour and death for the sake of their ideas”
“the elaboration of a religious philosophy of history would appear to be the specific mission of Russian philosophical thought”
“History is not an objective empirical datum, it is a myth.”
“To understand the interior relationship between God and man as a drama of freely-given love is to lay bare the sources of history”
“The stuff of thought is historical stuff―no matter how abstract, general, or pure it may become in philosophic or scientific theory.”
“[On Jason Mashak’s book SALTY AS A LIP, as reviewed in The Prague Post:] Mashak amalgamates various national, historical and religious traditions into a myth-mash that illuminates many sects’ fanatical compartmentalizing, and the fact that so many religions and philosophies share similar goals, if not roots.”
“Though why should we expect age to mellow us? If it isn’t life’s business to reward merit, why should it be life’s business to give us warm, comfortable feelings towards its end? What possible evolutionary purpose could nostalgia serve?”
“This only is denied to God: the power to undo the past.”
“I wanted that future officer to weigh decisions with a supple mind and to be comfortable with nuance and uncertainty. ”
“Sina jinsi. Nguzo ya maisha yangu ni historia ya maisha yangu. Historia ya maisha yangu ni urithi wa watu waliojifunza kusema hapana kwa ndiyo nyingi – waliojitolea vitu vingi katika maisha yao kunifikisha hapa nilipo leo – walionifundisha falsafa ya kushindwa si hiari. Siri ya mafanikio yangu ni kujitahidi kwa kadiri ya uwezo wangu wote; au ‘pushing the envelope’ kwa lugha ya kigeni.”
“History is a hermaphrodite with many distinguished lovers. We are neither mysteries nor strangers but the living breath of revelation made flesh by the unrestrained desires of a free and universal love. Universal me. Universal you.”–from Past Present and Future are One”
“The best of humanity’s recorded history is a creative balance between horrors endured and victories achieved, and so it was during the Harlem Renaissance.”
“As individuals express their life, so they are.”
“Where humanitysowed faith, hope, and unity, joy’s garden blossomed.”
“Later on in life, you expect a bit of rest, don’t you? You think you deserve it. I did, anyway. But then you begin to understand that the reward of merit is not life’s business.”