“Opposition can be your friend. Opposition can be the fire that tempers the better sword, as well as the ice that cools a fiery temper. Don’t ever run from it; learn from it!”

“Isn’t it amazing how we always have to put our mark on things? And how, from the natural world, we find evidence over and over again that reminds us, not so much of the birds, but of our own stories and our own kinds of art?”

“Arithmetic is the death of story.”

“Dissatisfaction can be a source of inspiration if you learn to control it.”

“There’s a kid or some kids somewhere. I’ll never know them. They’re particle-puzzle-cubing right now. They might be mini-misanthropes from Moosefart, Montana. They might be demi-dystopians from Dogdick, Delaware. They dig my demonic dramas. The metaphysic maims them. They grasp the gravity. They’ll duke it out with their demons. They’ll serve a surfeit of survival skills. They won’t be chronologically crucified.They’ll shore up my shit. They’ll radically revise it. They’ll pass it along.”

“Don’t let your emotions get in the way of rational decision making.”

“Writing is the thing that props me up.”

“When you enter a grove peopled with ancient trees, higher than the ordinary, and shutting out the sky with their thickly inter-twined branches, do not the stately shadows of the wood, the stillness of the place, and the awful gloom of this doomed cavern then strike you with the presence of a deity?”

“Anguish is the universal language”

“we tend to steer our lives in the direction of the lessons we need to learn”

“In life there is reality and there is what you want in life. If you took a moment to step back and forget about everything that is going on that doesn’t really mean that much anyway, you might be able to figure out how to get what you want and what has been stopping you. For every problem there is a solution, for every… need God has provided the answer, and for every want there is a way. Reality is what you make it.”

“But can one actually see beauty with eyes blurred by the lack of almost everything a human being needs?”