“Grace to all humankind.”

“I would rather traverse the valleys of a thousand hells than live a day without desire.”

“That (truth) which cannot be lived in daily life, cannot be true.”

“Fear is found in the unknown. The more you learn, the less fear you will have. Never stop learning.”

“The do-somethings will always be judged by the do-nothings…Those who dare are always hated by those who cower.”

“Do not pretend to know the future. Many say it is already written. The dreamers know otherwise.”

“If you desire, wish for it.”

“Nothing in Life is Worth the Death of One’s Soul”

“The easiest way to grow, is to let Go. Knowing, that someone else is managing the show!”

“People ask- how can I enjoy life when I have problems? You may have problems, but you can still enjoy life and be Happy.”

“It’s not cash that changes the Nation, Courage can definitely do. If you have that courage then you are a leader.”

“The search for purpose and meaning is fundamentally human; the uniting trait of our species.”

“Springs of living water shall flow from the holy ground.”

“What you do will only ever be as good as WHY you do it.”