“The knowledge of “Where am I going?” comes during the process of implementation and dedication to the task”

“Breathe as the tears flow,Breathe when you cannot gaze up high, Breathe as to know the world will lie, Breathe when you choke to ask: “Why?”Breathe even when you are about to die. Breathe when each day is a task, Breathe when every person you know wears a facial mask, Breathe because to yourself you have to ask: “Breathe because in glory I have to bask.” Breathe as the sun is to rise, Breathe even when you touch the skies, Breathe as you celebrate your triumph, success and highs, Breathe because you have to be yet grounded and be Wise. Breathe when you dive, Breathe when you strive,Breathe when to your success, you give a high-five,Breathe because you are still alive!”

“Entering a cell, penetrating deep as a flying saucer to find a new galaxy would be an honorable task for a new scientist interested more in the inner state of the soul than in outer space.”