All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Writing is a high to my soul as chocolate is a high to my spirits.”
“I don’t know whether it was Bukowski who said “Find what you love and let it kill you.” I have found what I love. I love telling stories. And I am letting it kil me!”
“I don’t know whether it was Bukowski who said “Find what you love and let it kill you.” I have found what I love. I love telling stories. And I am letting it kill me!”
“„Din buze indiferente am auzit vestea morţiiŞi am primit-o indiferent”.”
“Music is the one universal language that everyone can speak & understand worldwide” – (G Swiss)”
“Maturity Can be defined in only One WordUnderstanding”
“You Can not learn anything in life unless You do or Face it”
“By healing someone else’s wounds you end up healing your own”
“Always hold on to the material things with open hands” – (G Swiss)”
“If you never dream to be, you’ll never become.”
“We were blessed, which meant that we had to be other’s blessings.”
“I am made of light,” the little boy declared.”Indeed,” the old man replied. “That is why it is easy for you to shine.”
“I don’t know whether it was Bukowski who said “Find what you love and let it kill you.” But I have found what I love. I love telling stories. And I am letting it kil me!”
“Love is a silence Love has no voice Love has no lyrics It’s a feelingFeel it! It is namelessLet it remain as nameless love Don’t touch it by giving it a name…”
“Storms strengthen you more than sunshine.”