“The difference between ignorance and knowledge is conversion”

“In science we may start with experimental results, data, observations, measurements, ‘facts’. We invent, if we can, a rich array of possible explanations and systematically confront each explanation with the facts.”

“Intuition must be taken seriously in the absence of substantial theoretical understanding, but once such theoretical understanding begins to take shape, prior intuitive judgments carry little weight unless they have been endorsed by the progress of theory. The greater one’s theoretical understanding, the less weight one may assign to untutored judgment.All this applies equally well to the case of appeals to intuition in philosophy. We sometimes hear philosophers speak of some intuitions as ‘merely’ driven by theory, and thus to be ignored. While it is certainly true that judgments driven by bad theories are not to be taken seriously, the solution is not to try to return to some pure state of theory independent judgment, before the fall, as it were; rather the solution is to get a better theory. Intuition in the absence of theory does not count for nothing, especially if no credible theory is available. But this is not to award high marks to intuitive judgment before the arrival of successful theory, let alone after, when the initially low value of such judgment drops still lower.”

“But though our heads are crammed with knowledge, our hearts are empty.”

“Everything the candle knows it learned in the dark.”

“Nobody knows everything, yet most people hate being exposed to the idea that they don’t have all the answers.”

“We were born in a flourishing realm, but we did not believe that its boundaries were those of our knowledge.”

“Inventiveness can set you off any trauma, suffering or a deep agony, so keep tailing her hand.”

“The ninety degree shift does not cancel the effects of old age upon the physical body, but it does enable warriors to retain control of all their faculties, their knowledge, sobriety, and power, right up to and even beyond the moment of physical death. This is every warrior’s reward for having been willing to fight impeccably right up until the final breath.”

“More appealing than knowledge itself is the feeling of knowing.”

“An uninformed judgement, even when right, is often less useful than a reasoned view, even when wrong, that can then be dissected, examined, and corrected.”

“A gun is just a tool. No better and no worse than any other tool, a shovel – or an axe or a saddle or a stove or anything. Think of it always that way. A gun is as good – and as bad – as the man who carries it.”

“You don’t need to teach your heart anything.It already knows everything.”

“Once you realize that the vast majority of people see and know very little, you will rarely be affected when someone speaks ill or well of you.”

“Knowledge not shared remains unknown”