All Quotes By Tag: Gossip
“One who gossips usually carries boredom in one hand and bitterness in the other.”
“As human beings, we are so bombarded by gossip and messages about how we should be living our lives, many of us become overwhelmed and confused about what we really want to say to each other.”
“In a very real way, one writes a story to find out what happens in it. Before it is written it sits in the mind like a piece of overheard gossip or a bit of intriguing tattle. The story process is like taking up such a piece of gossip, hunting down the people actually involved, questioning them, finding out what really occurred, and visiting pertinent locations. As with gossip, you can’t be too surprised if important things turn up that were left out of the first-heard version entirely; or if points initially made much of turn out to have been distorted, or simply not to have happened at all.”
“We call talking about other people’s personal lives ‘gossip’ only if we aren’t or weren’t part of the conversation.”
“Though people sort of need your permission to talk to you, they do not really need one to talk about you.”
“Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.”
“You said she’s a senior? Babe we’re ALL crazy.”
“Once you realize that the vast majority of people see and know very little, you will rarely be affected when someone speaks ill or well of you.”
“Fidelity is a living, breathing entity. On wobbly footing, it can wander, becoming something different entirely.”
“’Shoot the wounded… what we do to people who are the most vulnerable… we ‘shoot the wounded.’ As if they haven’t suffered enough, we add to it by gossiping and treating hurt people like outcasts.” …”I think we killed Ronnie’s spirit… Instead of coming alongside her and supporting her through this, I failed her…”
“Some people talk about other people’s failures with so much pleasure that you would swear they are talking about their own successes.”
“Gossip is the biggest hindrance to building trust and productivity in organizations across America.”
“We do not engage in idle or intentional gossip which undermines someone else’s integrity or which spreads the seeds of fear by talking unthinkingly about illness, disasters, and all the other fears which run rampant in the world.”
“Sometimes I think that wisdoms slip from my mind like drool from the lips of an idiot…Where’s all this stuff coming from? Is it any good? Any good in, you know, the wisdom sense? Who am I to spout this stuff anyway?Well, here’s the thing. You too can find yourself shedding wisdom like cat hair if you only allow yourself the liberty of introspection.Think about what you alone know that no one else does. That one neat wonderful profound insight. It is fully yours. No one else on this planet of about six billion people understands it like you do.Now, see if you can share it with someone. Bestow it, a gift of yourself.Wisdom is like gossip. Except it’s the good kind.”
“It does not come to me in quite so direct a line as that; it takes a bend or two, but nothing of consequence. The stream is as good as at first; the little rubbish it collects in the turnings is easily moved away.”